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What happened if we give the diazepam?

3 Answers

Judyrae59 2 Nov 2022

Hello Tharun Goud -

Your question is a bit confusing. Who is taking the Diazepam (Valium)? What is the dosage? Who prescribed the medication? How often is the person supposed to take the Diazepam? Was the medication prescribed for the person taking it by a medical doctor?
According to the Mayo Clinic, Diazepam is in the "Benzodiazepines" group of Depressant drugs. Diazepam is "generally prescribed as a muscles relaxant drug and to reduce anxiety." "It can also be used to treat certain seizure disorders."

Please do NOT give this to anyone who it has NOT been prescribed for. It can be a dangerous drug if not used correctly, used with certain other medications and for some people.
If you can, please be more specific with your question so we can better help you.

P.S. I take 10mg of diazepam in the morning and evening as needed for severe muscle spasms in my neck and back. It has been prescribed to me by my pain management/Neurologist.

Votes: +1
WildcatVet 1 Nov 2022

Hi, Tharun!
You should NOT give diazepam to anyone or anything unless told to do so by a licensed physician. What happens could be dangerous.

Votes: +1
masso 1 Nov 2022

What do you mean?

Votes: +1
kevinb1953 2 Nov 2022

I know, right!✌ free discount card

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anxiety, diazepam

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