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Community Guidelines for Answers Answers is an online community where participants can ask and answer questions concerning medications and medical conditions.

General behaviour

Share your knowledge. Your experience, knowledge and opinions may be of great benefit to someone in a similar situation.

Cite your sources. When responding to a question, you are encouraged to reference the information you find, be it from or another website.

Be considerate of other members. Their current situation and past experience may differ greatly from your own. Everyone wants to be treated with respect and showing respect to others makes the community better for all members.

When asking questions

Ask Clearly

Write your question in a clear and concise manner. Use proper spelling and grammar. This will allow other members to better understand what you are asking for and respond accordingly.

Stay On Topic

All questions submitted to Answers must relate to topics concerning medications or medical conditions. Off-topic questions may be removed without notice and may result in a loss of points or the removal of your account.

Proper Categorization

You are encouraged to classify your question into appropriate support groups (e.g. lexapro, anxiety, weight loss). Attaching unrelated support groups to your question is not acceptable and may result in the removal of your question or even your account.

Unacceptable behaviour

If you find a member displaying unacceptable behaviour, please do not retaliate. Use the Report button (found directly on all questions and answers) to submit the post for review by a Administrator.

Unacceptable content

Your privacy

The identity of members remain confidential and will not disclose any personally identifiable details of any member to any person, except when required by law enforcement investigations (such as to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or subpoena). For further details, please review our privacy policy.

For safety reasons, anyone under the age of 18 is not permitted to ask or answer questions on Answers.