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What is a good weight neutral antidepressant for anxiety?

3 Answers

Retiredandbored 18 July 2018

Wow, so great to find a good Dr. Mine is so resistant to any anti anxiety meds. I have to fight to get enough Ativan so I can take one a day. I have tried many antidepressants and keep ending up back on Effexor. Find it weight neutral for me. I also struggle with my weight. Now struggling to cut back on my alcohol intake. Which feeds both my anxiety and adds to my weight. Please keep us posted on how you do on the trintellix!

Votes: +0
KKrandle 14 July 2018

To add to WCV’s excellent answer, SNRIs are more likely to be weight neutral than SSRIs. For me, Effexor XR (similar chemical makeup to Cymbalta) has been truly weight neutral. I have not lost or gained weight on it. Of course, as was mentioned, it varies from person to person. I will say, Lexapro, Paxil, and Amitriptyline seem to be heavy on weight gain reviews. I see a lot of reviews in particular for Lexapro that mention the person wanting to get off of it due to weight gain. Sounds like you are definitely on the right road by taking Trintellix! I’d love to hear how it works for you! Best of luck!

Votes: +0
Inactive 14 July 2018

Thank you, KKrandle, I will keep posting. I am feeling hopeful!

Inactive 14 July 2018

Thanks K.

WildcatVet 13 July 2018

Hi, G Mc! There may not be such a thing. "Weight neutral" antidepressants are called that because they can cause weight loss in some individuals, but they can also cause weight gain in others. In other words, it's a toss up which effect they will have on you... if they have any at all which most antidepressants don't. The three most "weight neutral" antidepressants are considered to be Prozac, Wellbutrin, and Trintellix, but Wellbutrin has not been studied extensively for anxiety and is not considered particularly effective. Cymbalta has also reportedly caused decreased appetite in some individuals but only gets a moderate rating for anxiety in user reviews.
Wish I could give you the best possibility, but as you well know every medication will have different effects on every individual patient.
Regards and good luck!

Votes: +2
Inactive 14 July 2018

Thanks, WildcatVet: I value your opinions. WcV, I know you have a lot of knowledge about these anti anxiety/antidepressant medications. I have a new doctor (and my husband and I are highly impressed by her and her office staff). She didn't shame me about weight or blood pressure or any other possible health problems at this time. She said we were going to give full attention to my anxiety issues first and foremost. She prescribed Trintellix for my recent rise in anxiety/panic attacks that I have developed lately. I am so hopeful after finding this new doctor who listened to me and interacted with me. That in itself was a huge relief. I have been anxious over the fact that I have mostly gone to walk-in clinics for quite a while now. I felt such a calm feeling when we left her office yesterday, and a feeling of hopefulness that I have not had in a long time!
Thanks again...

audgirlnatown 14 July 2018

Zoloft caused a ton of wt loss for me. Also caused upper rt quadrant pain(liver) an liver enzymes went up. Joint pain. Flu like pain all over after 2 an half months of taking. It wasnt for me. But alot take it with no issue. Just fyi

WildcatVet 15 July 2018

I'm so glad that you found a doctor that you like and can hopefully trust. That's half the battle! With my recent move to rural NY I'm stuck in a dismal system only seeing a psych nurse who is, shall we say, less than empathetic and unwillingly to address any of my concerns. ARRGGHH!!
So you've agreed to try Trintellix? I've read many good reviews. Let us know how you do... I value your subjective and objective opinions! free discount card

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anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, weight, antidepressant, antidepressants

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