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Why give gabapentin PRN?


Robert tr8 5 Oct 2017

While gabapentin is usually titrated upward in dose and t.i.d for nerve pain conditions. I was prescribed gabapentin off label and prn on two separate occasions. Once for restless leg syndrome as needed. And years later to ameliorate withdrawal symptoms from Tramadol withdrawal.

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Stephen Treloar 6 Oct 2017

I assume it was for restless legs/limbs during Tramadol withdrawal? I'm interested if you found it effective?

Robert tr8 6 Oct 2017

Hi Stephen, yes I did find a single 300mg dose before bedtime to be a Godsend.
The first four nights of tramadol withdrawal.
I could sense a lava lamp like burning sensation in both my legs and arms but was relaxed and disassociated from the pain enough to sleep well for five or six hours. Day five I reduced to 150 mg, day nine 75mg, last night day 12 to 50mg and will stop day 14.
I never took Gabapentin daytime as the sedative qualities and mental fogginess are too strong for me.
Reading reports of Gabapentin dependency and withdrawal is the reason for my quick taper down to nothing. Tramadol withdrawal is enough to deal with. Btw my physical symptoms are gone but daily anxiety and low mood continue.


Stephen Treloar 7 Oct 2017

Thank you, Robert.

Robert tr8 8 Oct 2017

Well I should say that now without any gabapentin at night I did experience minor restless leg/ arm sensations also a bit of tinnitus associated with gabapentin discontinuation but really quite acceptable considering how bad things were! free discount card

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