Ever since I was diagnosed in '07/2011, it seems to me that it takes much longer for my meds to take affect. I have a pacemaker implanted to make my stomach work. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this type of situation. I can take my tramadol and it takes up to 4 hours to get relief. Please share your info with me! I'd really like to know if anyone else has had to deal with this and gastroparesis. Thanks ever so much.
Seeking peace,
Gastroparesis and taking my meds, a delay in meds working?
Question posted by Tee6759 on 26 Jan 2013
Last updated on 9 March 2019 by kneedanswrs
3 Answers
I to have been experiencing this painful disease. I have a lot of questions to say the least. I take several medications to help with diabetes, neuropathy, and several other conditions that I won't go into for time's sake . I often find that my daily medications take longer to go into effect and sometimes, it's like I didn't take any at all. My blood sugar levels are also hard to understand, track, and treat due to the gastroparesis. Has anyone else ever experienced this.
Hi friend, as you know I also have Gastroparesis & have had the same issues. UnfortunatelY this condition Does slow down the absorption time of medications.
Especially since most of the narcotics/pain medication have now changed over to the Non-Crushable type of coatings. Because of the outer shell that they cover these medications with it takes approx. Twice as long for people with those disease to breakdown.
I experienced this first hand when the Narcotic I take Opana ER changed over to the non crushable tablets. I asked my Pain Management Dr. about this & he explained why.
So at that time he gave me an immediate release narcotic (dilaudid)
since out does not have the non crushable coating on it.
He told me to take my Opana ER (Extended release every 12 hrs) at the same time take my Dilaudid (immediate release) medication together.
After I did this my pain is covered the Dilaudid starts working pretty quick & last for approx. 4 hrs & by then my Opana ER works for 12 hrs. Then repeat both meds again the same way.
So you might see if some of your meds have been changed over to the Non-crushable type & then call your Drs. Nurse & explain what its going on.
Take care my friend, Kathy
Tee, you should talk to your Dr. about this. Any one can build up a tolerance to a medication and maybe should ask the Dr. to change your medication. or increase the dosage of the tramadol. Good luck have a great day!!! ... :-) ... Leanne
Related topics
gastrointestinal disorders, gastroparesis, gastroenteritis, fibromyalgia, tramadol, anxiety and stress, breakthrough pain, pacemaker
Further information
- Tramadol uses and safety info
- Tramadol prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Tramadol (detailed)
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