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Can I take the garcinia Cambogia if I am taking the levothyroxin pill for thyroid?

Answers Page 2

Bonbrown 19 May 2014

I to take synthroid for 10 years for my hypothyroid. I'm pretty healthy and really only need to loose 10lbs give or take a lb, so I recently started to loose weight the right way and was doing the low calorie thing and exercising, 3 weeks in and a couple of lbs down I decided to use garcinia cambogia well 2 days later I was feeling exhausted and I mean hypothyroid exhausted, but I didn't think anything of it, then I started getting hungry and couldn't eat enough still not thinking nothing. But by day 4 I was physically unable to keep my eyes open and was walking around with a box of Girl Scout cookies. My husband said "its your thyroid meds"! And I started thinking how could it be? How could I get this low this fast? Then it hit me its the garcinia. Which lead me to here googling the same question to see if my suspicions where correct. And I see the other responses confirmed what I thought. So I suggest you stay away from it.
Hope this helps!

Votes: +5
linda53 16 April 2015

I have to say thank you because I realized I am gaining weight instead of losing.Now I was talking75 mpg of syntroid and I was still gaining weight now on 112 syntroid to much sweating it like a ride. I am hoping to see my doctor today. Thanks for the information.

DemoninDC 12 Jan 2014

As long as you are not pregnant, breastfeeding, taking a diabetic medication (like insulin or glyburide), or a statin and you don't have Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia you should be fine. You should talk to your doctor if you are taking other medications.

Votes: +0
readthefile 12 April 2014

Wrong. I am a medical professional as well as a thyroid cancer survivor. I had a patient give me some garcinia capsules to try after mentioning weight loss. In four days I GAINED eight pounds and the stuff wiped out my thyroid hormone.

Because these supplements are not regulated byt he FDA there are no studies but I can tell you this is what happened to me so wou;d absolutely NOT recommend any patient taking synthetic thyroid hormone to use garcinia products.

appreciatethehelp 6 May 2014

I tried the Garcinia Cambogia and started gaining weight and was very confused. Then it hit me. Do not take Garcinia Camogia if you are on tyroid medication. You will gain weight. I gained 5 pounds in a two week period and I was going to the gym 5 days a week.

Casbah Kitten 21 May 2014

I recently started taking Garcinia Cambogia and I also take thyroid meds. I've been taking Garcinia for 5 days with no weight loss and I've become increasingly exhausted... to the point where I can barely make it through a day at work. Today I felt exhausted and felt as though there were a lump in my throat so I thought THYROID! I checked my pulse rate and it was 58 beats per minute. Well, duh. No wonder I'm exhausted! I think the Garcinia has adversely affected my thyroid so I'm throwing it OUT! I'll just eat less and if I lose weight, I lose weight. If I don't, I don't. It's not worth ruining my health further just to be a few pounds thinner.

Lpdaisey 3 Dec 2014

I thought I was going crazy assuming garçinia was making me gain weight and the fatigue was terrible. I took it 3 weeks and i had fluid retention, puffy eyes as well as dry burning eyes ,fatigued more than normal and foggy thinking . I decided to weigh myself and sure enough ten lbs later?? It was messing with my thyroid meds I know it. I stopped it today and will be curiouse to see what happens the next week . So disappointed

Amandaweyers 4 Jan 2015

Sorry but i agree with the doc. I bought the product and within the first couple of days i ate everything i could find that was not bolted down. Needless to say i gained 10pounds in just over a week. I immediately threw the rest of the bottle away. Now i am struggling to loose this extra weight aswell ! :(. Can someone please tell me why we the luck Hypo-thyroidsm woman can't use this product. I am so overweight, supposedly obese (bmi) and nothing will help, now mot even this.
Thanks for listening :)

Amandaweyers 4 Jan 2015

Sorry but i agree with the doc. I bought the product (gambogia and cleanse) and within the first couple of days i ate everything i could find that was not bolted down. Needless to say i gained 10pounds in just over a week. I immediately threw the rest of the bottle away. Now i am struggling to loose this extra weight aswell ! :(. Can someone please tell me why we the luck Hypo-thyroidsm woman can't use this product. I am so overweight, supposedly obese (bmi) and nothing will help, now mot even this.
Thanks for listening :)

camerabug6 17 Jan 2015

Not accurate! I am on Levothyroxin for previous thyroid cancer and since I have started taking Garcinia Cambrogia I have gained 12 lbs in 1 1/2 months! I have never eaten healthier in my life, NO JUNK FOOD, smaller portions when I eat, and I am a gym nut. My niece told me this could be working against my thyroid med and she's obviously correct! I'm stopping it TODAY! And here I thought I had done all my research :-/

DBlanchard 19 July 2016


camerabug6 19 July 2016

No you cannot take garcinia if you take thyroid med!! I did it and it made me GAIN 10 lbs in 30 days! It threw my thyroid level WAY WAY WAY off!! I didn't research it enough before taking it for weight loss. It has the OPPOSITE reaction for thyroid med users!!

Lauren202 25 Oct 2016

I have a question, would I be allowed to take Garcinia Cambodia if I have no thyroid? I WAs born without a thyroid and take 125 mil of levothyroxine. I don't technically have thyroid issues I just don't have one period.

Roy85 2 Aug 2017

Thank you! All your answers help. free discount card

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thyroid disease, levothyroxine, thyroid, pill, garcinia cambogia

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