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Does gabapentin make you eat more and gain weight?

10 Answers

Hnicolap 19 Feb 2019

I noticed that my appetite has increased since being on it for 1 yr. so I do watch what I eat now. I don’t think I have gained weight but I don’t usually weigh myself since I can tell by how my clothes fit.

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TKMarsh711 19 Feb 2019

I believe it made me gain weight. Since I've been on it, about a year, I've gained about 30 pounds. Plus, I crave sugar snacks. I take 400 mg three times a day.

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Sweetlene1 18 Feb 2019

I don't know if this medication make u gain weight

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Skg72012 26 Oct 2016

In August my dose was increased from 600mg 3x daily to 800 mg 3x daily. My memory has really suffered but my quality of life has improved. I'm really starting to worry about that. As far as my weight I had a 60lb gain over a period of 6months because of back pain that ended my 4 mile walks every evening. I've since had back surgery with spacers/cages/plates and screws as well as total hip replacement and I'm still living with hip and leg pain 2yrs after surgery., but the memory loss and just forming sentences makes my family think I'm crazy now

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Windchimes123 26 Oct 2016

Oh Dear,
You have a problem. You need them for support.
You should either:
Take them with you to the doctors appointment for a profession Consult or
Talk to your doctor about Lyrica.
I went through the thinking problems on high dose of agapanthus too.
I'd rather have pain relief and deal with the changes.
Good luck with everything :-)

new nana 28 Oct 2016

I have had same surgeries but also broken femur and hip revision. Still in pain also and still using a cane. All these have been since April 2014. Going to Physical therapy is barely helping since sciatica has returned and muscle spasms continue. Sometimes my son thinks I am taking some kind of pills or drinking and I notice a break in my sentences a lot that make me feel very spacey. You are not crazy it's the meds and chronic pain takes up a lot of your brain, it's hard to think of anything but the pain you're in. I try to keep my mind on something that interests me like hobbies that do not use much of the body and that helps a bit. My new pcp just cut me down from 2700 to 1800mg daily of gabapentin for my neuropathy without warning. I have no idea what that will be like, I start that tomorrow. Good luck to you, see if you can find something to do with your hands. I hope it will help you.

Windchimes123 28 Oct 2016

Newnana is right. Your brain is being affected by the meds.
Your brain is being occupied by trying to control the pain.
Your brain is being occupied by finding other ways to control the pain.
Your brain is occupied by worry.

You don't have any extra room to remember what people are saying to you.
Doing something that deviates from this pattern is good. Arts and crafts keeps your hands busy giving you the feel that your mind is relaxing.

Get a notebook so you don't have to remember stuff.
I hate to say this but check out sites that are for Alzheimer's people. They have a lot of good tips on how to streamline your life.
Best wishes getting this resolved.
The key is to get good understanding by your family.

Skg72012 29 Oct 2016

I want to thank you all for your encouragement. We are fighting a battle and we do need our family on our side. When my 20 yr old son called the other day I was really struggling. I explained that the med I take in order to function may be the reason I have long pauses when I talk. He still couldn't understand why I would take it. I have worked for 2 years trying to make a living doing whatever I could, but I just can't do it anymore. My mother has already had to bury one child. I don't want her to go through that again.

Windchimes123 31 Oct 2016

You need to stay positive. It can always be worse. Right?
I know this is a very dark time for you. It's especially hard when you can't think straight!
Why not try waiting until you have a full sentence in your head before responding to a question?
Mine felt like a veil covering my brain. It would take a delayed time for me to understand what was just said to me. I would explain to those people that it takes a moment to process so please be patient .
I did notice the more focused I was on it, the worse it became.
You should start the disability process. See a disability only lawyer. It takes a long time and you need to go through hoops.

You may want to see a psychologist to teach you techniques that may make it easier to cope.
He would also get involved with your family to help them realize what you are going through.
Are you on an anti-depressant?

Skg72012 1 Nov 2016

Thank you everyone. Your suggestions and encouragement make my heart lighter. My Paternal Grandmother had Alzheimer's and watching her decline broke my heart. I have an appointment with my Family Dr. Thursday to discuss a rash that I've had on my arms and legs. I keep the areas moisturized with either coconut or Apricot kernel oil so it isn't noticeable to most people. A friend thought it might be psoriasis, but my cousin's Lupus diagnosis was solidified by a rash similar to mine. I have applied for disability and waiting, waiting. I have an attorney ready to help me if I am turned down. It's all just too much most days. This past Saturday a neighbor came over and said that all the neighbors think I'm faking... don't believe I'm in such pain. So, to know that others understands is such a blessing. Thank you so much

Tenpointhunter 26 Oct 2016

I have been on it for a year (200mg in the morning and 300mg at night and it never made me eat more or gain weight

Votes: +0
ShelleyEMB 26 Oct 2016

One issue we fibromyalgics must address is the question "is fibro the only thing going wrong with our bodies?" The answer is often NO! Women often have a failing or failed thyroid. Our great regulator. In addition, carbohydrate intolerance, also known as hypoglycemia produces very similar symptoms and some research suggests it may exist in approximately 30% of women who suffer with fibromyalgia. Carbohydrates are at the root of weight gain not fats as formerly thought. A war exists between insulin and adrenaline. The body pays the price and if it's your body? Need I say more?


Ok, the results look the same, fatigue, aches and pains, headaches, anxiety, sleep disturbance, irritability, gas, bloating and other potty problems. These are all very familiar symptoms to Fibro. Obviously they actually overlap in some cases. All that and cravings also. Consider trying a hypoglycemic diet for a month or two. You will likely loose a few pounds. If it relieves more symptoms you may have your answer. Be sure to check with your primary physcian prior to any dietary change. If it works for you great. You are a double winner. Fibromyalgic and carbohydrate intolerant. Who knew?

Windchimes123 21 Oct 2016

Hi Bomb,
My experience with Gabba and Lyrica were being exactly the same as Shelley's comment as far as weight loss.
From what I've read on this site, the general consensus is no gain but some with loss.
An idea that may reassure you would be to weigh yourself daily at same time. It sounds like over-kill but I have a reason.
GABA can affect your thinking or memory.
Initially, it's very disconcerting if this had never happened to you before.
Help your brain out a bit by not having to wonder if it's weight day, .or did I do it yesterday, but then it could be tomorrow!
Yes, you could use a calendar but that's one more thing to keep from losing... Lol
You know what I mean!
As long as you stay within the amount your comfortable with then you are good to go.
Stay on your usual diet to get a correct picture.


Also as (sorry I forgot the previous name) said that it could be indicative of another disease being present. Very good!

People on Lyrica should probably do it twice a day! No, I'm joking but watch it very carefully so there are no big shocks 2 months later at your next doc appt.

Always keep in mind the emotional affects of these drugs. If you are close to someone and they spend a lot of time with you, a confidential conversation may be helpful.
Explain the med and side effect. Ask if they would quietly observe your communication and reactions. If they notice something different about you, ask if they will honestly tell you.
Best wishes :-)

Votes: +2
Srr1111 21 Oct 2016

Since you are taking Gabapentin in the first place, your doctor should be aware of the weight gain without successful loss when trying - it may be an additional symptom of underlying illness or the doctor may try a different medication.

Votes: +1
chuck1957 19 Oct 2016

bomb; I dought very much that it is from the medication, Most people loose appetite so you should just be aware of what your eating, Could just be a nervous reaction on your part but the last thing you want to do is gain weight unless you need to. Maybe buy some gum, Make sure when you take your medication take it with a full glass of water to give you more of a full feeling. Or even get some healthy snacks if nothing else. We can all react differently from any medication but at least your aware of it and can try and nip it in the bud before the weight does become a problem.

Votes: +1
bombshell11 19 Oct 2016

Thank you this is very helpful

Lkruchten 18 Oct 2016

No I have been losing weight, as I am taking gabapentin.

Votes: +0
bombshell11 18 Oct 2016

Thank you for your response

ShelleyEMB 18 Oct 2016

I have been taking high doses of Gabba-P for over 2 years and have not experienced weight gain. While taking Lyrica I had significant weight gain despite a high activity level and conservative diet plan.

Votes: +1
bombshell11 18 Oct 2016

Thank you shelley. Not sure why I am constantly eating. free discount card

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