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Which pill is better for someone suffering neuropathy? Gabapentin or Lyrica?

33 Answers Page 2

popeye4321 17 Jan 2017

I have severe tingling and pain in my feet, and my hands at night. My doctor put me on gabapentin, and we raised the amount gradually. I was taking the upper limits of doses, and still had some pain. She added a smaller dose of amitriptyline to be taken only at night. I take the gabapentin a couple of times a day. Once in the early evening, and once about four to six hours later. It works well. I was trying to take the gabapentin only at night too, but it did not work as well as when I took the early evening dose with it.

Votes: +0
AspenNicole 24 Dec 2016

For each individual these meds work.differently..For me Gabapentin didn't do anything for my PN, widespread.Now, Lyrica, that is covered by Medicaid and Medicare, work wonders, I take 75mg 3x daily, with.1 Diclofenac sodium50mg... For appetite suppressant I take Diethylpropion ER, with these drugs, weight gain possible, you just have to train your mind to eat only when your hungry. I pray this is helpful. I have peripheral nerve neuropathy newly,and it has been a suffering struggle. Keep believing that God will heal you, and if you don't believe in God, just follow medical guidelines.

Votes: +1
beffa 10 Dec 2016

They have tried Gabapentin in trial studies at doses up to 3600mg per day. I used to take Neurontin for my Fibro pain and also had to keep raising the dose. At the max dosage it stopped working for me so I switched to Lyrica and have been on it for five years or so. It didnt make me gain weight but did help with the pain. Both Lyrica and Gabapentin are in the anti-convulsive class of drugs. They both work for nerve pain. I don't know why you'd be on two anti-convulsive medication tho and thats a question for your dr. With the Lyrica, I also had to increase the dose. I take 150 mg three times a day but am nowhere near the max dose. You need to listen to your body and do what works! Best of luck to you!

Votes: +0
JLeigh7 26 Aug 2016

gabapentin and Lyrica are both horrible meds to take. These medications are actually anti-seizure medication. While trying to develop a medication for seizures they realized that the side effects of slowing down one's brain was that they could not feel their feet. While many people believe that these medications are working they are actually only masking the pain while your neuropathy continues to grow worse. There are clinics out there that can help stop the progression of neuropathy without using medications or surgery. Please check out the website Educate yourself on how to effectively treat neuropathy in a non invasive way.

Votes: +0
Jessebird 29 May 2017

Thank you for your post because of you I registered for this website to tell you thank you! I have been in excruciating pain 24 hrs a day, all I do is look for a cure formy pain. I don't want to dumb myself down with drugs or get fatter after lossing 60 lbs this year that was hard work! I have had such a hard road and can't believe that anyone can be in this much pain! I thought that after I got my large intestine removed for stomach issues I would be better but no, than my gallbladder, but no. Than on top of my stomach problems I have nerve pain everywhere! I have arthritis. I have connective tissue disease (Lupus), Addison's disease, and so much more. I just wish I could erase my problems and be healthy, I don't even know how this happened to me. Thank you for the information!!! I pray that everyone on here finds relief from their pain.

rebbie1965 24 June 2017

I am stopping my gabapentin I am only up to 500 mg a day and I cannot take the muscle aches in my legs anymore. My legs constantly feel like they are on the verge of trying to cramp up. My low back pain from spinal stenosis feels like it has gotten much worse in the 5 weeks I have been on this. My sciatica pain is just masked when I am on this medication. for the first week I thought it was a miracle drug, I felt pretty good a little tired and then the muscle spasms and aches set in. I was thrilled to be able to get a full nights sleep when I started this medication however that did not last, after 2-3 weeks my sleep patterns are back to normal and I am up every time I need to turn over. Just not worth it to keep taking this medication.

sandynx820 2 Aug 2017

I have a new spinal specialist and he HATED the fact that I was on 1800 mgs of Gabapentin. He said it was a terrible drug and wanted me off of it! He helped me wean off of it by using turmeric, going for physical therapy, and changing my diet completely... I have got to admit, withdrawal was pretty bad... I thought I would never sleep again, and my leg and back pain escalated for a while. Its been 7 months now and I sleep better, but still have intermittent leg pain at night, but nothing I can't handle. Lower back still bothers me (stenosis) but when I remember to do stretches each day it lessens! I have also lost 40 pounds and all of my labs have greatly improved! I hope to Never use Gabapentin again!

Redkitty 19 Aug 2017

Been on Lyrica for several years now and experience burning hands and feet also nerve pain in left leg day and night..cramping occasionally in the same leg and toes..wondering if these are side effects and should stop taking it..

Factfinder411 11 June 2013

You shouldnt limit yourself to just two different meds. Not everyone is the same and there are many different kinds of nerve pain medications.

Votes: +4
AfternoonDelight 3 June 2013

I have taken both Gabapentin and Lyrica. I found out the hard way that the Lyrica gave me seizures. So, for me the Gabapentin is a better choice. They are indeed weaker but still work well. You may not have the "allergy" to Lyrica that I had that caused the seizures, but you never know!

Votes: +5
mytee12005 13 June 2013

I rather not, you don't fool around with your brain. I think that if my doctor increases the dosage of Gabapentin, it could do me good for I'm already used to it and don't feel as drowsy but it makes me a little sleepy.

mytee12005 15 June 2013


empty pockets 1 June 2013

I have neuropathy real bad. I have taken Gabapentin at 2000 mg a day and it did nothing. I was told that lyrica was in the same family as gabapentin. My doctor put me on amitriptyline 100 mg at night and it did wonders. It is normaly used for depression but it also worked for me.Actually it did both when I quit hurting I wasn't so depresed about it.

Votes: +7
debhill67 15 June 2013

I've also taken Gabapentin 400mg 3 times a day it really did'nt help much before that I was on Lyrica 150 Mg 3 times a day too many side effects now I'm on the Amitriptyline 100 Mg at night and 100 Mg in morning I feel a little drowsy in a.m. so I try to wait until lunch yo take it. It seems to be helping Thank God. Hope this was helpful to someone and there not expensive.

HerculeswendyDell 18 Nov 2017

Dear empty pockets, how long have you been on the Amitriptyline at this dose before it started working? Has it gotten less or more effective the longer you have taken it? Was this your starting dose? Did you try anything before this? Do you only take throne, 100 mg dose a day? Sorry for all the questions but thanks for any answers.

MepoMom 9 May 2013

I've taken both and I prefer gabapentin a lot more than Lyrica! I have a sensitive digestive system and Lyrica caused me a lot of stomach issues. I only take 300mg of Gabapentin in the morning and afternoon and then take 900mg at night. That way it helps me sleep and helps the pain throughout the day.

Votes: +5
mytee12005 13 June 2013

How many hours before you go to sleep do you take the 900mg dosage of Gabapentin?

Rhondakat 7 March 2018

I take 300mg gabapentin 3x a day. Since I've read some of these post. I take a lot of meds for many health issues. Most they can only treat the symptoms. I get hyper along with chronic fatigue I'm miserable. Bottled up energy and can't get it out. I wondered about lyrica but I don't want to gain weight. But still having pain from FM . I also take Norco 4x a day. Nothing seems to help. I don't know what to do. I dream of steady energy to go out and do things pain free. I dream of a good night sleep. I feel trapped in this useless body giving me a useless life. I don't know what to do, every thing I try doesn't help. Sign... Hopeless!!

Czimmer54 16 March 2018

I've been on Gabapentin for six months and gained 20 pounds. So if you don't want to take Lyrica because of weight gain, you'll have the same side effects with Gabapentin.

Rhondakat 16 March 2018

So gabapentin can help you sleep better? I take it in the morning then again around noon or 1pm and again around 6 or 7pm. I'm thinking to take the last one later, more close to bedtime. Maybe I'll sleep better. I've been getting really bad cramps or spasms. My ribs feel like they over lap each other and get stuck there. Iit goes away but it hurts so bad. Same thing in front below down by my hip. I got a lump on my rib . They said it's FM. I don't know if this gabapentin is working. I never get relief from pain. It's always there. I guess maybe it dulls the pain some for a little while . But omg what it would feel like to be pain free for even a day. That'd be nice lol

kazza 123 9 May 2013

hi i have been taking lyrica for over a year ,it takes a while to get into your system but it takes the severeness out of the pain but leaves me drowsy and can't think properly sometimes but i am way better on it then off it. i haven't tried gabapentin as yet

Votes: +6
auntniknik 7 May 2013

I have tried both, also, and had much better results with Lyrica with no side effects after 3 days. The first few nights it made me a little drunk feeling, but that went away shortly. No trouble at all since.

Votes: +3
MacIntosh12 7 May 2013

Hi Auntniknik, I've not seen you in ages! Did you drop off the edge of the world my friend? Glad to see you back!
Your friend,

mytee12005 13 June 2013

May be since I tried Lyrica 150mg 3 times per day was not enought but it did increased my appetite and made me a little sleepy.

Khrissy 2 Aug 2017

I have nerve damage in feet (tingling), from chemo & radiation. I was on gapapentin 300 mg 3x daily & it made me sleepy all day, with no relief. Now I'm on Lyrica with still no relief. I always have to wear socks, even to bed. Guess I will never wear sandals again.

fastcarbon 7 May 2013

Your doctor should allow you to try each. Gabapentin caused my brain to be confused and not be able to carry on a complex discussion. I could not take it and work. I take Lyrica which causes less confusion but just as gabapentin did I am unstable on my feet and must use a cane with either. I have post-surgical neuropathy.

Votes: +1
bamamichelle78 6 May 2013

My boyfriend takes Lyrica it makes a world of differnce he can tell when he dont take it cause his feet hurt bad

Votes: +2
deeds1v 5 May 2013

I took Gabapentin 300mg. I hallucinated wildly, had to stop.

Votes: +1
pickles503 14 June 2013

Hi deeds. I've heard that Gabapentin causes Hallucinations a few times before. Hmmm Interesting

uitius 26 Dec 2019

I take gabapentin 3000/day and have never hallucinated but I am on two antipsychotics to prevent that. :D

tmystr 31 March 2013

I too have taken both having severe neuropathy in my feet and fingers. Lyrica 300mgs 3x a day but like alot of people say,weight gain. I gained 40 lbs in 1 year,only side effect I had. Gabapentin,now I take 300mgs 4x a day,not quite as strong as Lyrica(a close second) with no side effects.I have heard memory and speech problems and a few others. Remember everybodys body is different so they effect people not all the same. best of luck

Votes: +4
Inactive 15 March 2013

I've tried both, and Cymbalta. The Gabapentin caused problems with my speech - it was like I had a word on my tongue but couldn't say it to save my life! I'm on Lyrica now, and once my body adapted to the sleepiness it has worked well for me. Cymbalta and Savella also help with nerve pain, so you may want to check those as well. Good luck!

Votes: +3
pickles503 30 May 2013

Eliza, that was a good answer.

mytee12005 13 June 2013

Definitely Cymbalta is not for me but I haven't tried the other one. The Gabapentin although it's used by people with epilepsy, it has proven that it worked for nerve pain however I'll have to see what the dosage is because I use 900mg per day and I'm still getting lots of pain. Gabapentin is way cheaper that any other ones.

Inactive 14 June 2013

Hi Mytee - 900 mg/day is not a large dose of Gabspentin - I've seen people at 3600 mg before. How they walked and talked I have no idea. Often you have to try Gabapentin before insurance will let you try the others because they are much more expensive. - EJ23

Inactive 14 June 2013

Thanks Pickles - good to see you! - EJ23

grahamanswerth 21 Nov 2016

Gee. I'd forgotten that I was already a member. I am taking 2x300 mg of Lyrica and still my feet and lower back hurt, and I am sleepy and I find my hands and fingers shake. As I'm typing, this morning's Lyrica is wearling off, so the typing is easier. Sometimes, I need another 300 mg during the day; however, the sleepiness is terrible. I find as if I am in la la land... sort of dream like. I hate the neuropathic pain in the toes and feet and know that the neuropathy is not poor life-style choices as from about 1980, I ran up to 35 km a week in mountainous terrain... I live on a plateau in Victoria Australia. I thought i was bullet proof being so fir, but no, I had a minor heart attack plus atrial fibrillation and a 90% blocked coronary artery which required a stent. My spinal professorial neuro surgeon has examined extensive X rays and MRI scans of my lumbar region and there is only mild damage..


a narrowing of the region where the nerves thread through to the lower body, and gave me a regime of walking on a treadmill initially at 5 minute episodes and one hour laying on ones back after each walk. The target is 4x20 minutes. So far, I can reach about 3 x 13 minutes but gee, it wrecks me. I am so tired and my legs and feet ache and ache. So much for his ideas. They probably work but the walks are defeating me. Today, I supermarket shopped and promptly laid the driver's seat back and slept for an hour. Iwas so tired. I will be seeing a pain clinic( fingers crossed after reading this) and an exercise clinician, myotherapy based( ie muscles relaxing in the back as well as strengthening the core body to support the spine and discs etc. As I said, my back isn't wrecked, but God, I am. Even suicidal... Lyrica perhaps? What can I do. What options, legsl or otherwise are avaialble. I am 74 years young and have the means to travel overseas. Not much fun if one can't enjoy oneself, and be in constant pain. It would be a pain free life if i sat on comfortable chairs or sleep on comfortable beds. Then I'm pain free but you can't live your life in bed. Any ideas??? free discount card

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lyrica, peripheral neuropathy, diabetic nerve damage, gabapentin, diabetic neuropathy

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