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Would gabapentin be effective for tooth pain?

8 Answers

WildcatVet 2 April 2024

From information here on and the Patient Information sheet:
"Common (1% to 10% of users): Dry mouth or throat, dental abnormalities, gingivitis"

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Judyrae59 2 April 2024

Gabapentin may help your pain, however, gabapentin is known to cause major tooth decay. I'm living proof. I took it for 2 years for my back. Didn't do anything for my back, but it has destroyed my teeth. So far i've had to have 6 teeth pulled. They start to decay and then break off at the gum line and cannot be fixed. There is a whole section here where people are talking about the damage taking gabapentin has done to their teeth. It's something you may want to look into. I have 2 more teeth that have to be pulled as they have broken off at the gum line. Prior to 2016 my teeth were fine and then all of a sudden all of my teeth started having cavities, and then breaking off. They turned black on the back sides of my teeth. I have always taken good care of my teeth. Had them cleaned twice a year, used a mouth wash recommended by my dentist, flossed, etc and now my teeth are falling apart. Find the section on here where people are talking about gabapentin and their teeth. It will be well worth your time. I just wish I had known it sooner.

Votes: +1
Lynn02111988 1 April 2024

Yes, a lot of people think pain automatically means needing pain relief. I was shocked when I found out that the pain relief I once needed was actually a antibiotic. I have a broken tooth and I know this is nerve pain. I took 600mg gabapentin and immediately felt relief from the throbbing!! Oragel doesn't last long enough and aspirin is also a good thing to use for tooth pain

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Doggirl73 5 Jan 2020

Absolutely. I’m already prescribed it but having a throbbing toothache I took 900 milligrams and it’s totally stopped the pain

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Tony MagicHands 7 Oct 2018

I was already taking gabapentin for shingles, now that one of my teeth has been split/cracked(clean break, right down the middle of the interior facet), it seems to work pretty well for me. It also seems to work well on the nerve pain in my right ankle/foot
Since I don't really do well with pills AT ALL, I do get some of the more common side effects like drowsiness or constipation.

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SHEsevEN4 10 May 2015

Try Advil' s or Aleve, and see your Dentist, you don't want a absess.

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Nattjenta 2 May 2015

Do you already take Gabapentin? If you do it should already help your tooth. The best pain reliever for a tooth ache, or really any transient pain is ibuprofen. (I worked with a dentist for 15 years.) If you don't already take Gabapentin, no one is going to prescribe it for you for a tooth ache. A dentist may prescribe codeine with tylenol for a very short period of time.

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SweetLuck 1 May 2015

Sure seems like it would be since it helps nerve pain but I don't know for sure.

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pain, gabapentin, toothache, tooth

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