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Gabapentin - Has anyone developed a yeast infection from using this medicine?

3 Answers

meyati 30 Dec 2012

Didn't bother me at all--- so it might just be a coincidence. Do you get a scuzzy white tongue, thrush? Yeast and Thrush are the same thing. If you don't have thrush- throw out your old tooth brush-get a new one-brush your teeth, gums, tongue, roof of your mouth several times a day. Brush your tongue as far back as you can. Rinse your mouth out with a mouth wash too. Also yogurt is good in putting good bacteria in your system-it actually helps to kill yeast/thrush. I found Yoplait to be really good for this, as other brands have too much sugar in them. This way, you flush it out of your system and keep it out. brushing your teeth good several times a day, mouth wash, and yogurt help all of your system all of the time anyway--less cavities, the yogurt helps you to have a good breath-builds up your immune system. I had an AF dentist that was obsessed with thrush and yeast-- I checked it out- and everybody said- Of course, why didn't I think of that. I think that GYNs don't tell a patient that to stay in business. Try that before you dump a pain killer.

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kaismama 29 Dec 2012

My reference says infection also, but it also lists viral infection. I would ask the dr to do a CBC on me if I were you. It can cause a low white cell count, which effects your immune system.

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Inactive 29 Dec 2012

Hello louisewj. Up to 10.9% of people taking Gabapentin list infection as a side effect. I could not find the specifics, as to what type. Regards pledge

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infections, gabapentin, medicine, yeast infection

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