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How does gabapentin affect your sex life ?

24 Answers

Matted 9 Sep 2023

67 y.o. male, taking 600mg twice a day, Gabapentin. Desire up, erections, improved... orgasms ,not at all. Stamina , excellent. Conclusions... sex is great, but no finish for me. Upside, I stay horny, downside, I stay horny.

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WildcatVet 1 May 2023



Common (1% to 10%of users): Incontinence, impotence
Uncommon (0.1% to 1% of users): Hematuria, dysuria, urinary frequency, cystitis, urinary retention, vaginal hemorrhage, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia
Frequency not reported: Sexual dysfunction (including changes in libido, ejaculation disorders, and anorgasmia)

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once_naughty 1 May 2023

I have been prescribed Gabapentin for my severe pain. Initially, it helped me with my pain once the doctor adjusted the dosage. Lately, my libido is on overdrive...
The drug pamphlet does not mention this as a side effect!
I am surprised to read that others using Gabapentin have the same experience. Also, I notice from the messages that it is not gender related and happens for both men and women.
Strange side effect.

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Navi_cat 4 July 2022

Gabapentin helps me sleep, I take 800mg at night. It has seriously affected... increased my libido and has become a problem. I am a 55 year old female who still has regular periods, and both ovaries, but I need to have a decreased libido and try something different for sleep. One, I'm not married, and two, I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren. I'm going to come off of it with my doctor's help. I think it may be helpful for someone who has a low libido.

Votes: +1
Lil_momma 27 Oct 2020

Gabapentin gives me an increased sex drive. I take 300 mg twice a day. And its like I'm getting doses of testosterone! My hubby is over the moon

Votes: +1
once_naughty 1 May 2023

That is a bad combination...

Squirrelly67 20 Dec 2019

My husband and I are both 52 and he just started gabapentin two days ago. Took 300 mg the evening he picked it up and immediately noticed a difference with his pain levels which are daily and ranging from moderate to severe. He says he feels like he has taken a toke without the high. Just like that nice warm fuzzy comfortable feeling with no pain! Yesterday he took One in the morning, afternoon and evening and this morning woke up with an awesome erection which is saying a lot because he lost a testicle due to a torsion about 30 years ago while weightlifting and Has to have testosterone shots weekly. He was very active in sports and still has a very physical job so his testosterone levels are always Extremely low.So far needless to say he’s a big fan so hopefully the good trend will continue. Good luck!

Votes: +1
guyfromlosangeles 28 June 2019

3rd day micro-dosing Gabapentin since my first day was an awful horrific experience. Was prescribed for a recent panic attack.

Since I began micro dosing (trying to build up tolerance so I can take higher doses in peace) my libido is has been through the roof, haha

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FireFighter17 25 March 2019

I'm a 32 year old male and I get a raging hard on while taking this medication. I can stay hard for hours at a time but it does take me a lot longer to ejaculate also my wife has said my load size has increased, she also love's how hard it makes me and how long I can last. I think this has helped are sex lives immensely. I take 2400mg daily for several herniated disc's and sciatic back and leg pain. Thank you Gabapentin for the pain relief and increased sex drive, raging boner and thicker gerth and length the ability to last way longer in the bedroom. I assume the side effects must be different for everyone after reading the comments on here.

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kevinb1953 1 May 2023

This sounds like a Viagra substitute for ED (erectile dysfunction), and I wonder if the drug companies know about this 'side effect with the extra benefit of pain relief. If they do, then they're not marketing as such for a good reason, like 'might not affect everyone,' or taking it "off label" is not recommended because of the 'pain reducing effect.
Seems like a not-so-bad side effect for some. (:~Θ))
I'm going to ask my doctor about it. I do have pain but no complaints down there. Going on 70 and could use a larger quantity release (;~o)

Mekkasmom 2 March 2019

Today was my first day taking gabapentin. It has given me all kinds of different reactions. At first sleepy, then super hyper and my libido is through the roof!

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Bmarsh88 12 Dec 2018

I'm 30 year old guy... gabapentin makes me ridiculously horny...

Votes: +3
Dt27 11 Jan 2019

Me too bro!

Nitro061 11 Aug 2018

I was on 2800 mg for about 3 months and noticed it as I could achieve and maintain an erection but I slowly noticed It was near impossible for my partners to get me to achieve climax.

I was dating at the time and chalked it up to nerves. Until I met my now ex fiancé, and just like over 1 week absolutely completely couldn’t get an erection at all.

I came off it for 3 days, which is not wise, and I confirmed it was helping me so much I went back on it and started getting free samples of Viagra and Cialis from my doctor because my health insurance wouldn’t cover it and it is absolutely insanely expensive.

Eventually moved on to other drugs and tried some gabapentin I had left over just to try it and 100mg and bam again.

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Msanonomys 10 Aug 2018

I am in pre-menopause age 50 and had been struggling with orgasm but not with sex drive, very frustrating!
I have now been on gabapentin for about a month for a herniated disc in my neck that’s causing nerve pain down my arm and recently increased to two 300mg pills a day.
My orgasms have returned. So I’m very happy about this and was wondering if the gabapentin was helping is why I googled this topic and I’m shocked to see more of the opposite.
So I don’t know if it’s just a menopausal hormonal fluctuation or the drug but I hope it sticks around whatever it is!

Votes: +1
cindy-59 9 April 2018

When I first started Gabapentin I had a great sex life. I hadn’t been married very long and my husband and I were very good together. After awhile I noticed I didn’t have as much interest in sex and I wasn’t able to have an orgasm. I was divorced a few years ago and since then I have absolutely no interest in sex. I am almost done tapering off Gabapentin and I’m starting to have those feelings ‘down there’ again. Talk about feeling like a virgin again... that’s how I feel. I can’t wait to be off this drug and start my life again.

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Tprindle2 10 Nov 2018

I was taking 1300 per day. It gave me a couple hours of stamina. I got off it for a while. Now I'm back on 300 per day. It helps my issues. The sex has been much better for her for sure

Avake bell 9 April 2018

Dose gabapentin 600 mg effect your sex drive

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williep 21 Sep 2017

I am a 62 year-old male. I am a type 2 diabetic and I take Gabapentin for diabetic neuropathy and also as a psych med (bipolar type 1). For the past 2 years+ I have been anorgasmic. My endocrinologist thinks it is the Gabapentin, but the neuropathy probably contributed to it.

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