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What foods can I eat and which ones should I stay away from?


kevinb1953 5 May 2021

Hello. Sorry if this is off subject but you are not specific.
If you're a diabetic stay away from sugar, carbohydrates like white bread, pasta and such, soft drinks with sugar or high fructose corn syrup, beer, candy... etc.
Eat as much vegetables as you want. Eat most fruits. Eat pork, chicken and fish...
Best regards

Votes: +0
masso 5 May 2021

Hello Kev, if you click on the user name it will direct you to his/her activity page and this member joined the Coumadin support group, that is how I got the info.

masso 5 May 2021

Hi my friend, if you click on the username it will take to you to the members activity page where he/she joined the Coumadin support group.

Satay safe, masso

masso 5 May 2021

Stay safe!lol

kevinb1953 5 May 2021

Oh. Better he/she asked the right questions in the first place.
Good work masso

Take care

masso 5 May 2021

Thanks buddy!

kevinb1953 5 May 2021

You're like a detective. Lol.

You stay safe as well

masso 5 May 2021

You got me!lol

You too stay safe my friend.

masso 5 May 2021

Can you be more specific?

Votes: +1
masso 5 May 2021

If you are referring to Coumadin?

What to avoid
Avoid activities that may increase your risk of bleeding or injury. Use extra care to prevent bleeding while shaving or brushing your teeth. You may still bleed more easily for several days after you stop taking Coumadin.

Avoid making any changes in your diet without first talking to your doctor. Foods that are high in vitamin K (liver, leafy green vegetables, or vegetable oils) can make warfarin less effective. If these foods are part of your diet, eat a consistent amount on a weekly basis.

Grapefruit juice, cranberry juice, noni juice, and pomegranate juice may interact with warfarin and lead to unwanted side effects. Avoid the use of these juice products while taking Coumadin.

Avoid drinking alcohol.


Ask your doctor before using any medicine for pain, arthritis, fever, or swelling. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), celecoxib (Celebrex), diclofenac, indomethacin, meloxicam, and others. These medicines may affect blood clotting and may also increase your risk of stomach bleeding.


Click on the link for detailed food-Coumadin potential interactions:,coumadin.html free discount card

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