Let me start by saying I have a lot of spine problems Cervical,lumbar and thoracic so I guess maybe that is why the cramping and pain in feet and toes are getting worse.It started with zinging pain underneath my toes when I walked... NOW It is so bad that I cant get out of bed fast enough and some times its hard to stop my toes from curling in, and the pain is HORRIBLE!! And once I do get my toes straight I have to keep my feet flat on the bed with my legs bent. Has anyone had this problem?What test should I have
Why do my feet and toes curl and cramp severely at night?
Question posted by skeeter b on 26 June 2013
Last updated on 1 March 2024 by Kev9000
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
29 Answers
I have B12 deficiency. When this isn't spotted by a doctor it leads to irreversible damage. The nerves are damaged is one of the many symptoms. I have the same problem at night. Extremely painful cramp that i can only attribute to my late B12 deficiency diagnosis. Question your GP. Try and get full bloods taken with B12 levels looked at. I know you must be in bad pain.
I have been having painful involuntary curling of my toes and pain in my big toes, arches and ankles of my feet. Pain sometimes shoots up back of legs too. It's mostly nocturnal when the covers are over my feet, and yes I have to lay my feet flat or lay on my side to alleviate it. I have discovered a supplement that helps a lot called, Nerve Control 911. Also rubbing on Theroworks for muscle spams helps too. I think it's neuropathy, but don't have a diagnosis yet. Does anyone else have this issue? To be continued...
I ware elastic stockings that fit tight. Can feel only tingling in my feet, ankles. Not sure if its best but have no severe cramping. I'm on my feet standing for long times. Probably could use other answers. Its new to me.
Just want to add that I, too, (a 57 yr. old woman) have had the severe leg, feet and toe cramping especially at night for the past ten years. No real explanation other than I have been a runner for many years, and as a teacher, I have also stood a great deal. My doctor says to make sure I stretch. Not so helpful. It's as if my legs, feet and sometimes my toes clench, curl and distort. They become hypertonic. It's crazy. It is so excruciating. Roll-on Aspercreme and sitting with my feet on a heating pad have helped a bit. I missed work the other day because every time I tried to go back to bed, my legs, feet and toes would start to clench, which was so painful. I was up all night. Sometimes I even feel a slight tight feeling in my lower left face, and think jeez am I going to have a stroke? Maybe some connected nerve? I've always tried to stay healthy.
I've tried everything from tonic water, Gatorade for electrolytes, magnesium, calcium, bananas, leg cramp pills, everything. I don't think it is food related - maybe overactive nerves. IDK. I do a little better with warm, very loose socks on (never pointed toe shoes or heels), but it is still a crazy situation that nobody seems to really understand. I have to be very careful to make sure my feet are not twisted as I press the pedal in my car or sit with my feet pressed tensely into the floor. I also have to make sure I stand and walk right on my feet and don't clench. I am not going to start taking drugs with side effects. I wish you all with similar problems the very best. I know this is tough. L
Taking potassium and magnesium daily will help with leg cramps and foot cramping. This is in addiction to a multivitamin.
As a home remedy, rubbing apple cider vinegar to the area is suppose to give relief but I admit I only read this and haven’t actually tried that myself. I do know you can even purchase a remedy to either drink or rub directly on the cramp that consist of apple cider vinegar, ginger and garlic so maybe there is some truth to it.
As far as testing is concerned I have been told that when you experience leg cramping you should have your doctor run a thyroid panel and your vitamin D25 test.
Hope this helps you.
You people are all missing the very simple solution to this problem. Your body is screaming, I need calcium. Read all my previous posts on supplementing with calcium citrate, magnesium, vitamin D3, and vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 directs the calcium to your bones and prevents it from building up in your arteries which can be a very bad thing.
Do this and alll your problems will wash away.
If you don't do this, you are going to end up like my mother, an extreme invalid with extreme spinal stenosis, dowager's hump, spinal deterioration, dual hip fractures, loss of teeth and deterioration of any and all bones.
Please stop irresponsibly spewing medical advice that you have no citations for or links to. You are going to hurt someone.
I have also experienced these painful spasms, and I take a prescription potassium supplement twice daily. I have been to the emergency room several times because of dangerously low potassium levels, and I found that I would get so confused I couldn't remember my address! It is often essential to have blood work to check things out. I also tend to have low sodium levels. I recently discovered that I have plantar fasciitis, and the pain often wakes me up and continues during the day.
I have had the same thing happen to me. And, yes, it is very painful. I also have had my lower back, pelvis, and left leg crushed. I was ran over by a truck. I also have Charley horses like you. Usually it's because I have done too much that day. I also had my potassium checked and it was low. That was causing my leg and foot cramps. You should ask your doctor to see if your potassium is low. And see if he will prescibe you a muscle relaxer. Hope this helps.
I get the same thing but I get it in the sides of my feet and in my ribs toes , legs sometimes neck i had spider veins surgery but that didnt help
Ask for an MRI to rule out ARACHNOIDITIS
I am very worried on this cramp subject. it doesn't matter how i stand lay etc my body goes in to cramps and pain, i have told my doctor, but just get i need 2 exercise. my right hip has been a problem for over 5yrs an have a lump there but been told it notted muscle, yet i am using lidocane patches just so it is not so painful. i get pains in my chest and my jaw aches so bad sometimes i can only get rid by swollowing water, can anyone help ..I know this is two subjects but i feel both are entwined and i am only 50 and was so fit 7yrs ago, please help x
Im having the exact same problems with my toes and my hands... Can u help me? 8506915359
A small sip of apple cider vinegar works for me! These cramps are painful, and the vinegar takes away the issue entirely, almost immediately, for me. Strange, but good! :)
I have been suffering with leg cramps for at least the last 10 years... first with what I call "wrap around spasms" that would attack my upper thigh front or back and they were horrible... now I rarely have those and so thankful but I'm having feet and toe cramps, especially when I'm in a deep sleep and totally relaxed. Toes have curled up at couple of times but mostly it affects the ankles and top of feet. I found this mixture at a health food store called Old Amish Leg and Foot Cramp Formula... it is a natural mixture of apple cider, ginger and garlic. The smells is horrific but by golly I spray this on my toes and ankles and within minutes I can get back into bed... now it's not a permanent cure but it helps me get back to sleep for a few hrs. before it hits again. And sometimes it takes care of the cramp all night. Cost is about $15.00 a bottle... I put in a small spray container and keep one in both bathrooms. I have even spray on both legs from calves to toes after a shower, just before going to bed. It's worth a try folks!
Hi there,I frequently have my large toes spasm straight up with intense spasms in my lower leg area.The pain in the affected areas becomes excruciating and awakens me.
While researching it online,I discovered a very unusual remedy. 1.Get out of bed and rub VICKS all over your affected areas. 2. Using caution get your blow dryer .Turn it to high and blow the heat within 6"-8" away from your toes involved back and forth and up and down the side of the leg that's hurting. It' incredible !! The heat causes the toe to simply drop to normal position and the leg spasm begins to subside as well. After 1-3 min. mins. of using the blow dryer, put on a pair of slip-on shoes and walk around for only 3- 5 mins. or so. Amazingly ,you walk out the spasm and you can return to bed and sleep peacefully. It Really Does Work !!!
I also have severe spine problems, 7 spinal surgeries. I have had spasms so bad they sent me to the E.R. at night.
Please do not laugh, the best solution I have found is to eat a dill pickle or drink approx 1/4 cup of the juice and they are gone in less than a minute. The other is Hyland's leg cramp over the counter that you get at walmart or any place like that. Take one or 2 and they are gone in under a minute.
I hope this helps.
I understand the pain of excruciating feet cramps. I used to get them any time of day and particularly at night. I used to cry in pain and say, Please God make it stop. Doctors don't know and can only suggest drugs for pain. Doctors know very little to nothing about nutrition and help via vitamins and supplements. I suffered for years and all I got was what I call the dumb doctor look. They refuse to say I don't know and they just kind of stupidly look at you with no answer. I finally started reading and going to health food stores and picking peoples brains. Also I went to Starbucks one day and told the barista that since I had been coming there for coffee I had even more excruciating feet cramps. I found out that caffeine depletes your calcium. That's when I started to piece it together that it relates directly to calcium deficiency.
I found the best vitamin regimen to alleviate MY feet cramps and subsequent calcium deficiency. I take 1,000 - 1,200 mg of calcium citrate split in 2 doses, morning and night. Some calcium citrate has vitamin D already in it. You need vitamin D to absorb the calcium. I add extra vitamin D, 2,000 mg twice a day taken with the calcium citrate. You also should have magnesium. The standard for correct magnesium supplementation is half as much calcium. So you should take 250 - 300 mg of magnesium twice a day with the calcium citrate and D. Ideally you should also add vitamin K2. It can be a little pricey. I find the best vitamin K2 made by NOW brand at Swanson vitamins. I buy all my vitamins at either Swanson Vitamins online or Costco. Costco has a pretty good calcium citrate complex, Kirkland brand, with some magnesium and vitamin D in it. You can add extra magnesium and vitamin D if you want but at least you're getting a pretty good start. Don't waste you health or money on calcium carbonate, get only calcium citrate. It is much more absorbable. I have read that some of the people here also have other bone and spine problems, that is because your bones might be deteriorating because of calcium deficiency. Daily requirements for calcium for adults are 1,000 mg/day for ages under 50, over 50, recommendation is 1,200/day. If I don't take my calcium combo for even one day, by night I am getting twitchy legs. I will go and take them and it stops immediately. For all you people who are suffering endlessly, I implore you to try this and it will not only help you with your foot cramps. it may help your bones as well. I wish somebody had given me this advice many years ago and spared my many years of anguish and pain.
I will give this a shot. I am done with this.
Well? I'm not alone! I have been quite lucky throughout life so far health wise, yet the cramping is a nightly occurance. I have found magnesium to help a little, but not the total answer. Its a great habit to get in to, to drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily or more for sure ... I will also try that beet root juice, sounds promising. My family has a history of varicose veins, so perhaps it is related to blood flow. I shudder to think how bad the pain would be if I were not able to push back against the cramping ... that is the only thing that seems to help. I worry someday, that this technique will no longer work. During the cramps, I can feel how stiff the tendons? are underneath my skin. I started massaging my legs during the days, hoping that might help, and was surprised to find out how "sore" my muscles/tissues are just under the surface of my skin. Massaging the soles and arches of my feet will almost surely trigger more cramping episodes even during the day. The cramping is mostly at night while lying flat.
Thank you, just read this and will follow your advice!
Let me know how it works for you. I get the calcium citrate combo with some vitamin D and magnesium already in it. Sometimes I just take it by itself and don't add extra vitamin D or extra magnesium or vitamin K. I seems to do the job just as well. But if you want to go all out follow my original instructions adding extra D, magnesium and K. Oh, and if you're going to get vitamin K always get vitamin K2 not vitamin K1. You can also get a calcium citrate combo with vitamin D and magnesium at the drug stores like CVS and Walgreens. Get their store brand it's cheaper. Lots of times they'll have buy one get one or buy one get one half off.
Regular medical doctors have little or no knowledge or training in vitamins, herbs or supplements and you're absolutely right they also don't want to know, they would rather feed the pharmeutical industry as they keep each other in business. Buying vitamins and having little or no need for doctor's visits doesn't pay for the mansion, luxury cars and private schools for their kids. Order a vitamin catalog from Swanson Vitamins, look it up online. They have the most reasonable prices and their catalog is set up by what the supplements are good for such as heart health, vision, bone health etc. They give good information on what each product is good for and is very educational.
Seriously? "no thanks person who went to medical school, this starbucks barista gave me completely made up nonsense so I'm gonna go with that."
Please, for the love of whatever you believe in, ask a DOCTOR to order you blood work. Tell them to include everything, check for B12 deficiency, iron levels, anemia, these cramps can be caused by LITERALLY ANYTHING. I've had doctors who were legitimately clueless and I don't know how they graduated med school so we can agree on that, but blood tests can't do anything but give you factual information that you can work with instead of messing around with supplements that are 100% unregulated.
Also, please do not give out medical advice on this website, or ever. Especially medical advice that starts with "through trial and error." You could give someone false or misleading information that could severely injure them or cause long term damage. Taking too much Calcium is extremely dangerous. Shocked this post hasn't been taken down or flagged.
Good luck with your trial and errors, and you should really be citing sources for all of your "medical advice."
Yes I too have severe leg cramps, the pain is unbearable! It's the middle of the night n i want to start screaming out loud in pain! I stay with the family I work for a few days during the week and they have a infant child so I have to keep the screaming on the inside! I pray non stop till the pain stops I have to keep my feet flat on the bed n get up immediately n put pressure on my leg but the pain doesn't stop! I try to walk it out and no relief what so ever! I am a Retired Nurse and was on my feet 12-14 hours a day, not sure if it's irrelevant or not! My Dr. ran tests to check for blood clots and their were none! God pls help us get answers n relief! Praise God! Amen! God bless you, I am praying for you! Pls have Dr. check you for blood clots they could be life threatening!
I too pray when I get the cramps and there is a real relaxation that happens. This morning my toes were curled under and I couldn't pull them straight for three or four minutes, then I felt resignation, remembered to pray, and instantly the toes relaxed. They cramped again a few minutes later, so I'm not talking miracles here. I mean that there's a deep connection between God's Spirit, our spirits, and our bodies that we barely understand.
Woo nurses! It sounds like you should be getting opinions from other doctors aside from just ruling out blood clots. Instead of waiting on a deity in the sky to drop a cure on your head despite them supposedly creating everything. Which would actually include the agonizing pain that are your toes curling over themselves like a dinosaur claw. But whatever helps you sleep at night. Or you know, trying to sleep at night and laying in silent agony for hours instead.
I would suggest--for immediate relief--massaging your leg(s) starting from the thigh and working your way down to your calf, don't start with the foot or toes. I get finger cramps that mimic the same "dinosaur claw" my feet morph into and massaging my upper forearm helps a lot. You mentioned being on your feet in your profession and as a nurse I'm sure you know that something like this usually has a cause not directly in the area where you are feeling the pain.
Also this could be caused by literally anything so please get more tests other than seeing if you have a blood clot (B12 deficiency, medications you are on, varicose veins--very common among nurses as you also probably know from experience,,, back problems, stress, drugs/alcohol consumption, etc. etc. etc.)
Good luck, sending positive vibes your way
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