Hi, I have been on Depo Injection for 2 years now and having some side effects, I can put up with all but 1!
I'm having extreme pain when having intercourse, just even touching 'it' is so painful and irritant. Whenever my fiancé and I try..it's like I've been slashed a million times with a blunt razor blade inside for a week or longer... it's a real problem, PLEASE!! Someone help me!! At wits end and I've been passed from one doctor to another for a little over a year now.
I don't want to come off this contraception as it has kept my epilepsy away... it's given me a life again - outside of a hospital or my home, without being supervised 24/7. I have a 4y/o and would like to keep her! (My epilepsy is that bad that before this injection, my daughter would of been in care if it wasn't for my mum but she's too ill to save me again) please...