Back was broken years ago in the military. Fortunately I don't have any pain, but partially paralyzed. After a decade of denial, depression, dealing, and eventually finding an understanding partner, I decided to try Taladonifl (or whatever it's called, but you know what I mean- cialis).

It gives me insane heart burn, for about as long as the pill is "working." I get heartburn bad enough when I drink coffee or alcohol, so I try to just drink tea, take it easy with the drinking, and avoid pizza, but I've never had it this bad and constant - it's worse than the first time I had heartburn, when I turned 20 and drank 30 shots of espresso.

Grandma had a heart-murmur and a lot of bypass, double bypass, and triple bypass surgeries - family legend has it that she was one of the first people to ever have their hearts massaged, the developer of that procedure just having happened to be on hand. And I have a bit of diabetes in my family history, but mostly because they were eating midwestern farmer portions without the farm-work. I don't put butter on my gravy and biscuits; that is, I don't eat myself silly as much as they do (or did), but I'm also very inactive, so I'm at my personal record weight of 195, 5' 9" and 30 years old.

Now I just had a wisdom tooth taken out and it hurts as bad or worse than having staples holding a skingraft in my foot being cut with wire cutters and pulled out of me. So I've been taking oxycodone. But now the weekend is coming up and this is one of the last weeks my new wife and I will have the house to ourselves before my motherinlaw moves in. What I want to know is, on a 1-10 scale, with 1 being no problem, how likely am I to die if I take Oxycodone while on Cialis?

Had a hard time researching this myself, with all the spam pages about Cialis out there.
Sorry for being long-winded. Thanks for the help.