I received this medication at age 17 but when I took it for a week and a half I was going to school and work and it was so unbearable because I couldn’t eat I was severely underweight as it was. I stopped the medication. Now I am 21 and I am worse than ever I think because of Covid I became comfortable with my surroundings and didn’t want to face the real world especially with so much that has happened and continues to happen. I was once again prescribed this medication but I held it off for a year again since I was afraid of the reviews and what the doctor had advised me of the side affects but my anxiety has gotten to the point of me having those thoughts of can I even continue on like this? Life is hard as it is and I am too weak to keep on going. Then I would go into extreme panic and feeling nauseous the whole day. I even attempted to get a job which I did end up going but gosh did it make it worse I ate well I forcibly ate one meal a day and I had to eat in my living room in case I needed to run to the bathroom to puke. I had to quit the job or else I would starve from not being able to eat or hold anything in. I am so terrified of trying this medication and tripling my anxiety since my anxiety is already this bad and also I have felt like trapped in my body and feeling as if I can’t breathe and I even go outside to try and get fresh air but nothing helps and I freak out because I feel as if I’m suffocating and I panic that I can’t run away. Breathing exercises haven’t worked, coldness hasn’t either nor chamomile tea. It got to the point that I couldn’t even leave the house because I wanted to puke or afraid of having this experience again. I’m so afraid because I read the reviews and it seems to have worked for a few people and I’m hopeful but knowing that this pill makes anxiety worse for awhile makes me so scared. :( so afraid of thinking how will I react.