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Enoxaparin - what foods am I not allowed to have when taking lovenox???


DemoninDC 20 Feb 2012

Sorry but I have to disagree with the previous poster. One of the benefits of Lovenox is that you do not have to watch the kind of food that you eat. You can eat as many greens as you want. I was prescribed Horse Chestnut while taking Lovenox which is believed to help with vein support. My doctor and I have not noticed any difference while taking it. So eat up and enjoy life. Best wishes.

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zeynab.siahnouri 18 Feb 2012

Horse chestnut, ginger, vitamin D and digitalis, found in the foxglove plant, can also cause someone problems by interacting with anticoagulants.
Vitamin K, found in leafy green vegetables, should be avoided by people who suffer from blood disorders because it can produce a blood-clotting substance. It can prevent anticoagulants from working correctly.
please Discuss with your healthcare professional about how use of your medicine with food..

good luck.

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montanabbq 14 Dec 2014

I also saw on the internet what foods to avoid and printed them off, but when I spoke to my doctor about it she told me to eat as I always would. If I was eating 3 salads a week than eat 3 now. If you make your own salad use Iceberg lettuce instead of Romaine.
The only food to try to avoid was Soy and Canola. free discount card

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lovenox, enoxaparin, food

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