Had my last period July 28, (frst day) I had sex August 7th.. Condom broke & everything got inside of me. I took plan b one step 30/40 mins after it happened. I got a brownish discharge 9 days later and then it was like a normal period. My expected period was August 25th , but it didn't come. Was that my period of should i worry because i missed my expected one? I know that plan b makes it come early or later. Did it work? Also i don't feel any pain or anything as in pregnancy symptoms
Early period after taking plan b one step? Help?
Question posted by Anonymous on 30 Aug 2013
Last updated on 7 November 2018
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6 Answers
Yes, i am also worried.
I had sex on Sunday and we had protected sex but we didnt know the condom broken, so he came in me. I was so mad and my step mom gave me 50 dollars for plan b. I took the plan b the next hour later. The next day blood came down... its that good or bad?
This should really have been srarted as a new question, not posted as an answer to someone else's.
If you were ovulating when you had sex then you'll need one of the other methods of emergency contraception. Either the other emergency pill called Ulipristal Acetate (Ella), or to have an IUD fitted by a doctor. Either of those things can be effective if done within 5 days/120 hours of the sex.
Plan B works by delaying your ovulation until the sperm leaves your body. If you're already ovulating then it can't do that. Some think Plan B works in other ways, but the Manufacturer does not claim that. They say it's possible, but don't say it does, as it has not been proven. So if you were close to ovulation, I'd use some other form.
If you were not ovulating, then it's just a case of waiting to see. The side effects are irrelevant in that they don't tell you anything other than you took a huge dose of artificial hormone. You can get any hormonal symptoms that you'd get with a period or pregnancy, or other hormonal change in your body.
There's no way of knowing if it worked, until you can do a pregnancy test.
There are ways to prevent condoms splitting. Have a search online. Just to save future stress.
I had sex w this guy on a drunk night he came inside of me like fully I took plan b and still got pregnant... I didn't know the guy so I terminated the pregnancy but especially if it's like the first day of your ovulation witch mine was the chances are really high I took my pill the next morning maybe 12 hrs later. But I've had sex and pulled out and nothing happened. But when a guy goes in u and your ovulation is high plan b wasn't effective.
Thank you for sharing x
For others reading this, in that situation you'd need one of the other methods of emergency contraception; either the other emergency pill called Ulipristal Acetate or to have an IUD fitted by a doctor. Either of those things can be effective if done within 120 hrs/5 days of the unprotected sex.
Did you end up being pregnant or not? Currently in the same
I Had My Period Oct 4-7. I Had Sex Wit My BF On The 11th (He Slipped Up). I Took A Plan B Pill That Same Night && About A Week Later I Received Another Period??? So That Makes 2 Periods In One Month... Is That Normal?
WaS you pregnant
That happens too me about a year ago when I used it for the first time. I had 2 periods in one moth on was light and I belive it was because of the pill, the second one was normal. And I did not get pregnant.
It sounds like you responded normally to Plan b. Your story is pretty typical. It will often bring bleeding/spotting about a week or so after the dose then typically delays the next period. Your cycle should regulate back out in the next cycle or two. Have you thought of just getting on oral contraceptives? Oral contraceptives are about 98-99.9% effective when taken correctly. Plan b is only about 80% effective ( effectiveness rates decline the more often it is taken) Condoms are about 85-95% effective when used correctly but if a man is rough putting it on, or if it breaks, or penetration occurs before using the condom, the rate goes down significantly. This means 30 women out of 100 will get pregnant within a years use of condoms. Birth control pills are about 1 out of 100 women in a years use will become pregnant. You can see the odds for yourself.
Sorry, I wrote that wrong as far as condoms, 5-15 women will get pregnant in a years time using condoms. If you use with spermicide, the rate can be as high as 95-98% and spermicide use would make using Plan b unnecessary.
Hey period ended on Jan 1st, had sex the next day, he was unsure whether or not he got out in time so I took plan B 3 or 4 hours after... I started to bleed a little on the 13th and the it just got lighter the next day, what does this mean???
As long as you have any bleeding you're not pregnant. Plan b is a large dose of hormones and can mess up your cycle for a few months. I sure hope pain isn't a sign of pregnancy. It never was before.
I had a heavy bleeding that lasted 6 days it was like my period and it was 3 days after i took my pill and my period is due the 27 of september was that the period that i was expecting or i still need to wait for my period please reply kaismama
I had a heavy bleeding that lasted 6 days it was like my period and it was 3 days after i took my pill and my period is due the 27 of september was that the period that i was expecting or i still need to wait for my period please reply kaismama
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