Hi, I’ve been on duloxetine 30 mg for just over a week now which I take in the morning. I’m also taking mirtazapine 15mg at night as my psychiatrist is tapering me off mirtazapine after taking it for a couple of years. I have suffered from major depressive disorder for about 3 years now, well that’s when I was diagnosed and also severe anxiety. I know it will take time for my body to adjust to my new medication. But this last week I’ve been so down I can’t sleep at night then when I do I have to drag myself out of bed at midday!! I’m isolating myself which I know isn’t helping but I don’t have the energy to do anything. I’ve also lost appetite am having some really full on dreams and some nights waking up in sweats. I’m asking myself is it just me or the medication. Anyone who could answer some of my questions or give me there experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks