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Can I drink any alcohol with Pristiq? Glass of wine or two?


Pike Dude 25 Dec 2022

I do not get intoxicated, but I can have a couple of glasses of wine or a couple of beers.

Votes: +0
WildcatVet 23 Dec 2022

Hi, gary!
It all depends on your response to this combination. Some people seem to be able to tolerate a drink or two but for others it can be a disaster.
I'd suggest you experiment in a safe environment and see how it affects you and remember that alcohol is a depressant and Pristiq is an antidepressant.,1034-14582

Votes: +0
garywj653 23 Dec 2022

Thanks. Tried a drink or two not much effect. Seems it could reduce the effect of Pristiq.

garywj653 23 Dec 2022

Thanks. Tried a drink or two not much effect. Seems it could reduce the effect of Pristiq. free discount card

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pristiq, major depressive disorder, alcohol, wine

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