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Is it OK to drink 48 hours after taking 0.5 MG of clonazepam?


suemp123 26 March 2022

Hi, The bottoms line is it is NEVER ok to drink while you are on this drug. But….I suppose that depends on your definition of “drink”……if it’s one glass of wine with food, I would say it’s ok. I’ve done it with no side effects. However, if you’re going out with friends for several martinis, I’d advise against it. And NO driving….That’s just my opinion. Also if you’re taking Clonazepam for anxiety, your anxiety could be exacerbated by the alcohol.

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mrf_machado 26 March 2022

I dont take clonazepam regularly only as needed, so was wondering if it would be ok to have a few beers, as I don't drink often free discount card

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