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Does tramadol 50 mg make anyone else itch?

26 Answers

3CLee 24 April 2022

If I take two within 24 hours yes, however, the directions say to take it up to 3 times per day for pain. After taking this medication 7 1/2 months I regret it no longer helps with my neck nor my back. Not sure what to do oh and The ITCHING! That just started recently .

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palsforpaws12 13 Sep 2021

Yes it's driving me absolutely insane I just can't stop the itchiness...

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JoyceH1964 12 May 2021

Yes it makes me itch for the first hour or so once in my system but I don't take daily I take as needed for migraines and my Dr said it was a common side effect that I could take Benadryl but wait at least 30 minutes yes after the tramadol to take and yes it does help.

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Pitbull-3 5 Jan 2021

Yes, it sure does. I've tried all kinds of pain relievers and all the opiates make me itchy but the one thing I found which is a non-opiate pain reliever that works for me is diclofenac sodium topical 1%. It used to be prescription only but a couple months ago it was approved to be over the counter. Good luck!

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kitkats 21 April 2020

Ive been on tramadol for a few month.. at first my nose itched, now my head feels like I have bugs crawling and biting me all the time. I have a place on my lower back that has sores and a place under my tummy.. Always itchy,,, With all the precautions of not touching your face because of the Covid 19 virus, its impossible for me to go 2 minutes without scratching somewhere. I tried Benadryl, but I don't notice much relief.. I have severe Neuropathy in my feet, and that is why Im on tramadol 100mg.. I cant get any sleep if I don't take it. .But now with all this itching, I actually find myself scratching in my sleep.. What does anyone take to stop the itching?? thank you

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Brenda Sue Who 17 Jan 2020

Hey there jball59, Tramadol didn't make me itch. But also found it useless for pain. I've been prescribed most everything for pain, over the years. Currently on hydrocodone. But the stronger ones like Percocet and Dilaudid made me scratch so bad that I have scars! The best to you...

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Enh1 17 Jan 2020

I began taking Tramadol today & they making my entire body itch . I took 1 before going to bed @ 9pm and it’s almost midnight and I can’t go to sleep for itching.
I need something to stop the itching from this medicine

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kat-bird 27 March 2020

I too suffer from itchy skin when taking Tramadol, so I asked my doctor if its fine to take an antihistamine whilst on it, he said yes and now I take Phenergan with it to relieve the itchiness. But be prepared for some major drowsiness. i.e. no driving your car etc. And also consult your doc before doing the same to make sure any other meds you are on don't interact!

NDERITU 31 Oct 2019

I have been on Tramadol 100mg for a few days and the itching is driving me crazy. It's especially bad on my feet, arms and back. But I can't complain seeing I have no pain at all.

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sigmon2 27 April 2019

oh my, thank all of you for speaking up. I am going crazy. even buzzed cut my hair to make sure my scalp was ok. ugh. I have been taking tramadol for a long time and then I switched to a new arthritis med and bam! the itching started. I thought I had bugs. where ever my hair fell that skin area would itch. my hair thinned out of my head. hair got oilier and scalp came off in little flakes that were hard like sand. I itch all over. but this is a problem for me now. I have no other pain med to take and my Ankylosing spondylitis is not cooperating. oh well guess I will tell the doctor anyway, and try to figure something out. thanks again everyone.

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Irish 501 26 Feb 2019

Yes, my lip and tongue were swollen and I broke out in a rash that lasted two weeks and was worse than the incision. I kept pictures for my doctor. I broke out the 3rd day and landed in the ER one day after my hospital release.

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Chuckieperez 2 Jan 2019

I take a very low dose and find I am super itchy on my head and neck! Seems like it happens several hours after taking it.

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PhoebeKat 19 Dec 2018

YES! TG, I found this site. I recently had SCS surgery for low back pain and was prescribed Tramadol temporarily. It only took a few days for me to determine this was the cause of my itching. The back of my neck has a severe rash and hubby said looks raw. Also, raw areas at my bra line and areas on back and midriff look like long deep cat scratches. I now am using Neosporin. Wish I found these answers sooner since I am ending my Tramadol use soon.

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cougardave 10 Nov 2018

I take 4 x200mg slow release, I itch like I have fleas,but I feel that wasted that it didn't bother me.. Keeps me awake..

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Rennie823 13 Sep 2018

I have stage 3 kidney disease and thought my itchiness and little sores were from my kidneys not working.
I actually stumbled on to this site and I take Tramadol a lot for my pain in my back and elsewhere.
Anyway, I itch really bad at night and thought OMG I have bed bugs! But, I don't. Thank God, now I realize it is from the tramadol. Guess I'll have to just live with it.

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Liawalk8301 8 Sep 2018

My eyes are what itch me the most and my hair. I am so glad I'm not the only one going through this. I hate that I've developed an allergy to this medicine as it is the only one that helps with my fibromyalgia.

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