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Does it matter what time of day I take Lipitor?


marjorie zych 15 May 2010

No, you can take it at bedtime or when you get up in the morning, it still works either way. Depends when the best time for you to remember it is. just take it the same time all the time if you can. Hope this eases your mind.

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Rajive Goel 17 May 2010

Sure marjorie, my doc. recommended to take it at night, perhaps due to its side effects i guess? Please also advice on this?

marjorie zych 17 May 2010

I have been on Lipitor before and now on Crestor. I never had a problem with side effects from either drug. It just depends on when is the best time for you to remember it. I am not sure of to many side effects sometimes upset stomach but nothing to bad that I can remember. free discount card

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