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Does Celebrex help reduce the duration of a gout attack?


robo 26 Aug 2009

Celebrex is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug which works by reducing pain and inflammation in the body. It won't necessarily shorten the duration of a gout attack. Indomethacin, naproxen and sulindac are the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs usually prescribed for gout attacks.

A prescription medicine called colchicine helps reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with acute gout attacks. The medication decreases the inflammation caused by uric acid crystals within the joint. It does not decrease the uric acid levels in the bloodstream.

The pain often goes away within 12 hours of starting treatment, and is completely relieved in 48 hours. Daily use of colchicine or allopurinol helps prevent future attacks.

Your doctor may also recommend that you take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as soon as symptoms start to relieve pain and inflammation. Strong painkillers such as codeine may occasionally be prescribed.

Corticosteroids can also be very effective. Your doctor may inject the inflamed joint with steroids to relieve the pain.

Drinking more fluids helps prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Sometimes, a diet low in purines is prescribed. Organ meats, alcohol, and certain types of fish contain high levels of purines.

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