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Does anybody know of omeprazole causing chest pain , I take 2 x 40m a day?


Inactive 27 Sep 2009

I had what I considered to be chest pain when Prilosec went generic and my insurance would only cover Omeprazole. As soon as I started taking Omeprazole, I felt a fullness in my chest that stayed with me all day. After about a week or so, I contacted my pharmacy for information. The pharmacist asked me to come in and bring the medication with me. He opened the capsule and showed me the pellets inside, and explained that the pellets could start to expand in the esophagus if I don't drink enough water to flush the capsule down into the stomach. So... I started drinking at least 8 ounces of water (room temperature - not ice cold) with this medication and haven't had a problem since.

I hope this information helps, if not please speak to your pharmacist or doctor, he or she may have another suggestion.

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phillip6103 23 Sep 2009

no it won't.

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pain, omeprazole

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