My dad's pain management doctor is out of town at a conference. She doesn't know when she will return, said either Monday or Tuesday. He runs out of meds Saturday. She told him to make his meds last. We are really trying to figure out what he is suppose to do when there are no doctor on call.
What to do when your doctor is away?
Question posted by Factfinder411 on 9 May 2013
Last updated on 26 August 2013
7 Answers
Dad went to the hospital and got a 5 day supply. They called the pharmacist and doctor, so everything went smooth
Oh, wow! I am so relieved for you that he was able to get a short term script to last until the incompetent one gets back. I'm sure your dad is not her only patient who ran into this problem this week. Me thinks she will have a bad week when she gets back! LOL!!! It serves her right. Give her hell, girl!
That is good to hear! It is her fault, she should have made it good. Unfortunately he is stuck with an ER bill now. Hopefully the insurance will pay most of it. That was poor planning on her part.
That's nonsense
I see that this is a bit old but I wanted to just reply and see how everything turned out? I hope ok I wanted to say I have had to do the Er thing a couple times but thankfully the Er Dr knew my Dr so everything turned out ok but their are alot of Drs out their who do this kind of mistake so they say all the time just like when their is a holiday and delivery for meds don't get in on time or whutnot but anyway I just wanted to write and asks did everything work out
Yeah he got his meds and this last month she went out of town for a week my dad called Monday. They never said anything to him about her being away went to get them Friday finds out she wasnt there. It was a really a bad weekend. He got them filled ASAP last Monday
You will have to go to ER and get a refill. You will be viwed as a drug seeker at ER because in ER they believe that you only run out of meds because you are abusing them. They will fill it if this will be your first time and if your story and dosage sounds possible. They can also check when and where you filled your last script. Second chance is to devide the currently remaining medications into equal doaes and lower your dose for each day untill your doctor returns. You will likely experience withdrawals but if you still take some of the drug daily, it will be much less intense.
Hi Factfinder411,
I'm so sorry that your dad has such an irresponsible witch for a doctor!
Maybe it's time dad found a new pain management doc? I would be super pissed off, too! I'd fire her, unless of course she is the ONLY PM doc around, then he is stuck, or so it sounds.
I'd do what Karen said, call the pharmacist. Ya never know what they will do for their customers!
I truly hope that your father doesn't go into withdrawals over this, if he does, report this doctor to the American Medical Association! She should have written him a post-dated prescription, that horrible woman! GRRRRR for your dad!
He went to another pain management doctor before she said after my dad drove 2 hours that she didn't want to take more patients. The prescription has to be written on that watermarked paper for nj pharmacies to accept it and they check the watermark. I know they do everytime i get my adderall refilled. They can't call stuff in when it's a controlled 2 substance.
Hi again Factfinder,
Could you explain what a 'watermarked' prescription is, I've never heard of that!? Does the watermark prevent that doctor from prescribing something a month in advance?
(I didn't intend for it to sound as if I was saying to have her call it in, I know you must have the paper rx : )
Thank you,
The pads have a watermark and the pharmacy checks them bc nj had a problem of people washing the scripts. It has like the symbol of the state flag. You gotta hold it in the light like the new digital driver licenses
All good thoughts, but try this right away.
Call the pharmacy to renew. They will say must be refilled with new script. if you know them they will give you exactly the number of pills until Tuesday or they will explain what can be done.
The ER is going to do nothing as this appears to be a drug seeking action.
I am confused that the pain management doc does not have someone on call to handle cases when not in. All physicians with active case loads provide this. Perhaps that fill in doc will give the script until Tuesday. Call the clinic.
Then when the doc gets back ask why the heck they left this hanging. We sure would like to hear the excuse. Sounds like a doozy. Karen
The doctor does email with her patients. My dad usually takes care of all his own meds and emails her or calls when he needs a script. He goes in every 3 months for his regular visit. They are c2 drugs diluadud and exalgo, so they won't give him anything without a script. Nj is strict and getting stricter simce they put in the new prescription system. She sent him a email saying she was at a conference, all the doctors from the practice were there and she didn't know when she was getting back. Said he would have to stretch out his meds bc no doc was on call. I even tried to call them tonight, just an answering machine.
If she has time to email your dad, why doesn't she have time to transmit a script to the pharmacy? You said everyone is in the system in NJ now. It would take less time to transmit a script than to email your dad. I must be missing something here, but she's not making much sense. I think I'm having a Duh!!! moment. lol
You should still go in personally to the pharmacy who has the records of your Dad's past meds and ask if they can give you just a few pills given the situation. Unless you have tried this before and know that they won't give your Dad any meds. If your Dad goes into the ER for pain, they will give him something on the spot which won't last long, but maybe hearing the situation, they might give him a few pills. Wish you the best with your Dad. It may be time to find a different doctor in case your Dad runs out of meds again while she is just starting a week long conference.
Print out a copy of the email she sent to your father -- the "OOPS!" one. That would show the ER doc that he is not drug seeking, but a victim of poor healthcare.
And take the prescription bottle with you too.
Absolutely to both Kathy Hanson's and Kaismama's responses. Thanks.
I agree that it is time for a new doctor. You wouldn't happen to be living in Florida? I hear it is crazy there with doctors and prescriptions.
Hi Factfinder. I'm so sorry for your dilemma. Are you sure there's no doc on call? I can't imagine a doc not having another doc on call. The only other alternative is ER. I realize how special a care taker must be. It's draining. You need five stars for that. ***** Try to stay calm. Everything will work out. Your dad will get his meds. If you need to go to ER, then so be it. I'd call your doc again, and see if he has a back up doc. You're doing the right thing by asking this question. You must love your dad a lot. I know he loves you,too.
May peace be with you.
I think your only option is the ER. What is with all of these doctors who don't give a flying hoot if their patients are in pain and have run out of their meds? Even worse, she didn't establish a doctor on call??? It would take her 2 minutes to call in enough meds to carry him through until she decides to grace her patients with her presence! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Sorry, but this kind of situation really chaps my arse!! My Irish/Cherokee blood is boiling! I'm sorry you and your dad have to go through this. It is totally unnecessary and could have been avoided had she notified her patients that she would be out of town. I hope it works out for your dad.
Nope, no doctor on call I'm super pissed. She sent my dad an email saying "oh sorry I forgot don't know when I'm getting back" I'm like wtf we weren't sure if he could goto the er, but he's going Saturday so hopefully they gave him enough till she gets back.
Does your dad have any other pain meds that are prescribed for him? Or maybe flexeril or another muscle relaxer? Maybe if he can cut his pill in half and take a muscle relaxer with it, it will increase the potency of the dilaudid enough to get him through until she gets back. Holy cow!!! This situation is ridiculous!
I think he does and Xanax, I told him that would help but he has trouble sleeping. He had a quad plus double by pass in February 2012 and all the nerves in his legs are fried from either agent orange or lymes. They didn't catch the Lyme for 14 years, so they aren't sure the cause. He is taking off work tomorrow so he can maybe start weaning to a point. I know how difficult it was getting off Percocet I can't imagine hydromorphine. I told him to bring bottles from the last 3 months to the hospital. They are suppose to have all the doctors in New Jersey connected now, so hopefully all his medical info is available.
Your Dr. is very irresponsible as she should have left another Dr. on call,
I suggest you ask your Pharmacist what the effect of cutting the pills in half is possible, as long it is scored and not extended release I do not see a problem, run it by your pharmacist.
All the best,
Yeah I know we are very upset. He's going to goto the hospital which is small and she works there, so we are assuming they know she is out of town. He got yelled at for calling a week early before and my dad tends to roll over. So he called two days before this time and she was oh sorry. She admitted it was her fault, but my dad can't walk and work as a professor if he doesn't have his meds. I told him to call the medical board.
I hope everything works out for you guys, I truly do.
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dilaudid, pain, exalgo, doctor, pain management
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