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Do anyone take Magnesium with Antidepressants?


Marvell 1 Dec 2011

Which antidepressant are you taking?

Votes: +1
dream2727 5 Dec 2011

Hello Marvell

First I was taking Wellbutrin but now I taking Zoloft because my pdoc switched my meds the other day. She told me it was ok to take magnesium with my antidepressant and my pharmacist told me the same thing but after doing some research I found out that magnesium take away the effectiveness of antidepressants and that you should try to stay away from K vitamin in supplement form.

I did try magnensium and I loved the carming effect it have on the nervs, I stuffer with anxiety so it is very important to me to find something that calms the nervousness and anxiety without worrying about becoming addicted. I read and hear that it is good for consipation whicht is a side effect of the med.

Any information will be gladly appreciated.

Thanks you for replying

Marvell 7 Dec 2011

There are no known interactions between Zoloft and magnesium, so it should be fine to take them together. Perhaps to avoid ANY absorption problems just take them at least 2 hours apart. free discount card

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