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Disulfiram - Can you use nail polish while taking antabuse?


masso 3 Feb 2019

Do not drink alcohol while taking disulfiram. Avoid situations that might tempt you to drink.

Be aware that many common products contain small amounts of alcohol, enough to cause a disulfiram reaction. Such products include aftershave, cologne, perfume, antiperspirant, mouthwash, antiseptic astringent skin products, hair dyes, and others. Check the label to see if any food or medicine product contains alcohol. Ask your pharmacist if you have questions.

Avoid coming into contact with non-consumable products that may contain alcohol: paint thinners, solvents, stains, lacquers and others.

Avoid coming into contact with or breathing the fumes of pesticides or chemicals used in manufacturing or certain other industries (waxes, dyes, resins, and gums).

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