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Dissociative Identity Disorder - Can u have D.I.D and bipolar at the same time?

3 Answers

midnightcowboy 3 Dec 2011

Hi Jda,

This really is a question for a specialist but you have an answer from one person which is specific. Laura I think it is.

I'd ask your shrink. And if they don't know then try another one. But they should know. Where did you get this diagnosis from? That's the place or person to ask the question of.

Votes: +1
cetteferge 3 Dec 2011

Hi Jda, Just to clarify, DID is also known as Multiple Personality Disorder, and is less common than the other 4 types of Dissociative Disorders (Depersonalization DO, Dissociative Amnesia, Dissociative Fugue, Dissoc. DO NOS). But, the Dissociative Disorders are often intermingled and confused, even though each is very specific within itself; And yes, with DID, there is often comorbidity or another disorder(s) present. Bipolar is a Mood Disorder, and can most definitely co-occur with DID. Personality DO's are helped primarily with certain types of therapy (cog.behavioral) and can be tough to treat, while a mood disorder is typically medicated in conjunction with therapy. These are all generalizations, but my practice was in Dual Disorders. Hope that helps! Jillian

Votes: +4
Inactive 3 Dec 2011

That's what I've learned also Jillian - within the dynamics of a dissociative disorder are often severe mood swings, such as those in bipolar disorder. It's interesting how difference psychiatric disorders come into play - you can even have a lot of regularity, or patterns in mood swings (which would be indicative of a bipolar disorder) yet have all signs of it diminish later once therapy has progressed. The mind certainly is mysterious, and intriguing. -

LaurieShay 3 Dec 2011

Hey Jda,

Yes, you can have both diagnoses at the same time. I have had both although now are well under control due to many years of therapy and medication. Don't know what the DSM IV has to say about the dual diagnosis but in my experience one is more a biochemical imbalance while the other is a learned response to trauma. Therefore can occur mutually exclusive of one another.


Votes: +3
Jda1 3 Dec 2011

I thot so. Thank u so much u helped alot. Do u kno y I seem to forget stuff? My family thinks im playing but honestly, I cant remember at times glad theres hope

LaurieShay 4 Dec 2011

yes, there is hope always. Forgetting things is in part due to the dissociating. I really recommend therapy to learn how to cope without having to dissociate.

Jda1 4 Dec 2011

Thanks laurie! Im new to this and the medication thing. I dont agree with my currrnt therapist or hid stoopid ass cocktail he has prescribed lol I havw often thot of going all natural homeopathic, but am afraid wats u guys take on that?

cetteferge 4 Dec 2011

Jda, Please speak to your Psychiatrist about the meds. & your desire to try homeopathics. From my own personal and professional experience and being Bipolar 1, I would suggest that you not replace your meds with a homeopathic approach. You don't say whether you are Bipolar 1 or 2. Regardless, this is a very specific chemical disregulation in the brain and really needs to be addressed biochemically. The personality disorder, on the other hand, is best addressed through the therapy you're doing. I am not particularly against homeopathy, but believe that this is not the best place to try it. Good luck! Jillian

Jda1 4 Dec 2011

Bipolar 2, ptsd, depression and d.i.d diagnoses. Im gunna stuck with these meds tho thanks for the feedback too! Ive been told I have a brillant mind, I just dont understand it lol im alweays thinking non stop even while sleeping wich I dont get enuff of! I can keep goin and goin like the energizer bunny, but my work suffers, kids suffer awe man idk if im cummin or goin most days but eventually I get yhings done

cetteferge 4 Dec 2011

LOL! You sound just like me. Just try to remember that, with bipolar, we really need to try to get our sleep because a lack of it can really set off our moods in a negative way. It sounds like you could be a bit hypomanic right now, but as you know, we cycle back & forth a bit. BTW, creativity and intelligence are definitely linked to bipolar, as well as with many of the mental disorders, such as Asperger's, even ADHD. I have many theories about that, and it was the subject of my Master's thesis because I find it fascinating. Now, if we can just keep that brilliance harnessed! LOL! Jillian :)

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