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What is the difference between naproxen and naproxen sodium?

3 Answers

shadycat 20 Nov 2016

Naproxen comes in two forms - either as the base naproxen or as the salt form naproxen sodium. You can get it with a prescription, or without.

Both the base and salt forms work the same way to relieve pain. There is one difference -- naproxen base on a milligram-per-milligram basis is slightly stronger than naproxen sodium. Here’s how it works out -- 220, 275, or 550 mg of naproxen sodium equals 200, 250, and 500 mg of naproxen, respectively. However, you don’t need to worry about any conversion as these slight differences are already taken into account when doses are determined.

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happybrandee 9 May 2013


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hderry 11 May 2013

Ok thank u

kaismama 8 May 2013

Nothing, that is the full name.

Votes: +0
hderry 11 May 2013

Ok thank u

Da9rich 5 April 2018

They are different. Naproxen has a H+ in the formula. Naproxen Sodium replaces the H+ with a sodium ion, which works noticeably better for my arthritis. free discount card

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