I inject drugs on a weekly basis, Cocain & Heroin mainly, I have no access to my drugs of choice and the ansiety is killing me, I have Diazepan probes 5mg and want to inject them... can I inject diazepan probes?
Diazepam - Can I inject Diazepan probes 5mg?
Question posted by can´tcope on 6 July 2011
Last updated on 7 July 2011
Ok, No Answers from you guys but i couldn´t wait...found a useful page & risked it.... that was 40 mins ago 5mg with 20 water... Time to surf the Sofa...
3 Answers
can't cope, everyone has given you good advice. Sorry no one could get to you when you needed us. I just hope you are ok, this is a heart breaker. Please get help before its to late! I'm not trying to be mean or hurtful, but my neice was doing this and they found her dead at age 25. Please STOP and get some help!!!
Hi can'tcope,
I cannot add anything to what pattishan said. Just want to make sure you are still alive and kicking!
Best wishes to you,
Thanks Guys, If it helps to hear... The reason I just couldnt cope with things yesterday is that ive been abstinant from Herion for 1 month & have cut down behond belief from others substances... Im fine, I know its sad to miss a needle but im working on that... & hopefully i wont need to repeat yesterdays Hit of Valium which went ok... Thanks 4 your time etc "Can-cope" ;o)
Dear can't cope, unfortunately.this is not a live chat board and your question came in at some point after 1 am, we do try to respond when we see these questions. I have been a member here for 3 years, but have only seen maybe one or 2 questions about injecting meds be answered with a yes, no judgment, this is a support group for questions about medications and conditions, most here would not feel comfortable giving the type of info you asked for. I would like to welcome you here and not judge you, but what your are doing is quite dangerous and potentially lethal, particularly with the adding of the diazepam. The heroin and diazepam both cause slowed breathing, when combined, super deadly, and not even the cocaine will guarantee you will keep breathing. We try to support everyone who visits the site and I am not judging you at all.
When people take meds or drugs that are not rx'ed to them, it is a symptom of emotional issues of some sort and can indicate they are trying to get rid of pain, either physical, emotional or both and is used as a coping mechanism, but can lead to dependence addiction and death. You mention specifically anxiety and it could be an side effect of the cocaine, but also can be a sign you would like to stop all this as you do fear the dependence, addiction or death. The brain works by using.chemical signals to produce various reactions in the body, and when extra chemicals ( meds or drugs) are introduced on a regular basis, it can create anxiety depression and even the condition known as bi-polar disorder. addiction is an inheritable disease, and diseases can only be put into remission, you will never "cure" them, but you can put this into remission. An addiction therapist, support ( like what we do here) and subutex might get you on a better path. I am sorry no one answered you right away, most are frightened of the IV drug questions, and I am too, but I did want to at least answer you as best I could and noticed you updated. If you are unfamiliar with subutex, it is the sister medication to suboxone, an opiate replacement med that quells opiate withdrawal and craving, the blood pressure medication clonidine often is rx'ed with subutex or suboxone to treat anxiety. if you will go to YouTube.com, there are 2 men on there who have some excellent, easy to understand videos on suboxone. Check out SuboxDoc's 2 part video on how suboxone works.in the brain. If you have heard of suboxone/subutex you may have heard it is hard to get off of, but I was successfully treated with it myself, and I did all the addiction therapy and maintenance. If you use it properly, it can be a life saving treatment, and proper use includes the addiction therapy. The second guy on YouTube is called Maple2609 and he gives an excellent testimonial of how well it changed his life. I hope you do wake and read this post, it was meant to be supportive and let you know someone here did hear you, and did finally respond. Suboxone.com has a webpage for those who have questions and a toll free # too, and a dr locator for all drs licensed to legally write an rx for it, good subs drs require the therapy. Best of luck to you, we do care sound here, pattishan61
I agree with Patti, I apologize also for not getting to this post, the very fact that you asked this question indicates that you realize you need help it is my experience that there are a lot of caring compassionate people on this site who will support you in a healthy way, I realize life is difficult but we all have to face our demons if not sooner then it still has to happen, I do wish you only the very best, I care about what happens to you it is my sincere hope that you will wake up read this and make a choice to take the excellent advice she gave you and get a legitimate Sub's Doc and that you will follow the steps you need to! again I add my very best wishes and want only the best for you!
I didn't mean to just jump in and be rude Patti, I am slowly improving thanks for your support-
Billy, you are NEVER rude at all, you are Caring, and I hope you are getting much better. You have been in my Prayers as has your Dear Mom. Sorry I haven't written, there was an incident at my work on Thurs. that was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, so Friday I got a new job and quit the old one Saturday after my last client. Am having a week of stay-cation while calling dozens of clients to tell them where I will be working from the 12th on. Get well my friend and I loved your response here, was very good. Patti
You guys have been great, Thanks 4 your coments, yes i know it was a risk but I am "off" the coke & herion... but the after efects of 20 years off use means that my nerves are Shot to bits... I wont be injecting Valium again soon - I consider yesterday a small crisis that turned out ok - Thanks 2 all who answered. Can-Cope! jejeje
It is my sincere hope that you get past this I appreciate you answering and letting us know that you came through this. You deserve a life filled with things being as well as they can be! again please keep moving forward in a positive way
Thanks for updating, let us know if we can help or support you in any way, ok. Pattishan
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