i had an x-ray today and they found it to be embedded in my muscle. My doctor doesn't get the x-ray results for another 7-10 days so she doesn't now how it will be removed. It's quite deep into the muscle and i'm scared i'm going o have surgery. Does anyone have experiences with this happening?
My contraceptive implant moved, has anyone else had this problem?
Question posted by EmmaE1992 on 6 Nov 2012
Last updated on 17 June 2021 by SM0913
The information on this page reflects personal experiences shared by our community members. It is not reviewed for medical accuracy and should not replace professional medical advice.
16 Answers
I'm glad I've found this thread, been searching the net all day and most people only seem to talk about the hormonal side effects of the implant.
I had my second Nexplanon put in in 2018 and it was due to be removed January 2021, but it's still in there and no one knows where!
This one has always been deep (the nurse commented on it on the follow up appointment after it was put in) so I've never been able to feel it, my GP nurse wouldn't touch it, the health clinic who do deep implants couldn't find it so they sent me for a scan. I finally went for the appointment at the hospital today, they sis an ultrasound on both upper arms to no avail, X-rayed my arm to no avail and also chest X-rayed and still cannot find it!
I've been taking the mini pill over the top as the implant is now technically 6 months expired and the whole thing is screwing with my body!
They're plan now is to send blood to the manufacturers to test hormones to see if its still active. They're questioning if it was even put in which is now causing me more worries and concerns
The same thing happens to me I have to get my implant out on Wednesday I have to get surgery and there putting me to sleep I’m so nervous it moved in my muscle and the doctor tried to get it out but he couldn’t i do not recommend nexsplanon
Hey, was yours taken out?
I’ve had Nexplanon going on 3 years and am due to have it removed and a new one inserted, if I so choose. Today I went to my doctor and he was looking and looking, along with pinching and squeezing my arm, but to no avail on finding the rod. So my doctor sent me to the place I originally got it done at and so if they cannot find it, my doctor will have to X-ray my arm to find where it’s location is. My concern is that I will end up like yours, deep in my muscle.
My implant has moved about an inch and I would rather go under to have it removed asleep. The first one I had was fine (I got this one from planned parenthood) and then I went to a local women’s center in truckee and this one had been hell. I have had it in for about the 3 years I’m supposed to get it out in October but I think it’s causing my crazy mood swings. It hurts like hell trying to move it and it’s causing nerve pain in my arm all the way through my fingers. I don’t know if my doctor will let me go under for it but he has said it has moved quite a lot. I don’t know what to do, I’m thinking about just leaving it in because I don’t want to do it awake and I don’t want the nerve pain to get worse.
The last one I got out had ton of tissue connected to it and was difficult to get out I can’t imagine what this one will be like, I think I’m going to beg my doctor to get it out while I’m under. Has anybody had luck going under the first time instead of trying to dig around to find it? I’m so scared I’ve been crying all night. I hate that us women have such poor opinions for birth control. Nothing feels safe.
I'm so happy I'm not alone in this I'm freaking out I have been trying to get this thing removed since August 2017 I have had a Ct scan MRI Ultasound and X-ray and NOONE can find it it's freaking me out I don't have a cycle my husband and I just got married and we are trying to have a baby the thing still active it's stressing me out I have to have MRI of both arms and chest I used this in college to be responsible but now I'm done and married and can't no way I would put something like this in my body had I known I'm so stressed out I'm only 25 I don't no what to do I want to start a family
Have they found the implant yet? I have kinda the same problem but mine is 4cm too deep and have to go for plastic surgery.
Hi I have this problem at the moment. My nexplanon was meant to be removed 2 years ago but no one seems to be able to find it. I've had ultrasounds, X-rays and had an MRI yesterday which the radiographer didn't seem to hopeful about afterwards. I've had specialist blood tests sent out to the Netherlands by my doctor and it shows that it's still active and working. I should find out MRI results in a week or so but if no luck there I have to have CT chest and upper arms.
It's terrifying to think that no one seems to know how long it will stay active and what will happens if they can't find it!
Mine had moved and was sideways.. they thought it was deep but was easily removed with ultrasound guide I only had local anesthesia didn't feel a thing was out in about 5 mins... The relief when it's finally out is unbelievable :) hope u get on ok aswell wouldn't advise anyone to have it x
Hi emma i know u posted this 2012 but any results. How is the surgery?
Hi, i have the same problem. They did an ultrasound and told me that ig is imbedded to my arm. Very worried about taking utbout from my arm..Please let me know the outcome
Hi I'm having same problem I have a app for ultrasound Friday.. Do they not take it out same day? I'm like a kid counting days to Christmas only getting this thing OUT do u need surgery?? x
Hi any outcome to your inplant
How is it? Did they removed it?
Yip got it out with ultrasound guidance still have it a a souvenirs the problems that wee thing can cause lol
Is it painful... r u awake when they did the procedures... is it done by lical anesthesi and i everything ok?
Is it painful... r u awake when they did the procedures... is it done by lical anesthesi and i everything ok?
Hi no I never felt a thing just a bit of tugging but wasn't painful they give you an injection to numb the arm.. I went for ultrasound the lady marked the two ends with a pen, then was sent upstairs to well woman clinic in the hospital and the doctor removed it.. It had moved a bit round to the inside of the arm.. Time he preps it n stuff I was no longer than 20 mins.. X
My daughter just got her's placed yesterday & it has moved up her arm & turned the opposite way! we called the docs but not response yet from them
Im so glad i found this thread! I just got my MRI results back today and it says that my implanon is in my bicep too! I have to wait 4 months before the doctor can see me again. And he was saying last time that if it is imbedded in the muscle, that I will need to go under general anesthetic to have it surgically removed. Im really scared. He said that you can get nerve damage from it. I wish i never got the implanon.
p.s this happened to you last Nov? Please tell me what ended up happening?
i went to the hospital last week to try and get it removed by local anesthetic but they couldn't remove it, i now have to wait for another appointment so they can try again but they'll be sending me for an xray again first as its moved back up my arm.
What was the outcome for this my daughter went yesterday to have hard removed and they said they can't find it she has to have surgery Oct 26 she is scared and today her arm hurts so bad from them cutting and trying to find it and stitched it up
Hi I know this old thread What was ur outcome I'm awaiting ultrasound to see where it is I just want the thing out everything taking sorry long
Hi any outcome to this?
Hi what happened? I have the same problem and very worried about the operation. Please HELP... anyone please let me jnow the outcome...
Oh, you mean like Implanon? Yes, on occasion these can migrate into muscle too. Yes, it will likely need to be excised (or cut out) most likely under a local-just like when it was put in. This can usually be done on an outpatient basis but it will depend on how she decides to do it and what your insurance will cover. If it is very deeply imbedded, you may need a general anesthetic. Like Kaismama mentions, call your doc and let her know what you found out by xray. See if she can expidite things by calling for your results.
Here the results of tests is posted on a program that ties all the docs into the hospital and our docs would have the results by the end of the day.
Its not an IUD its a implant that goes into the arm. Its in my bicep
You may have to have some surgery because they will obviously have to remove the IUD but they may not need to cut an abdominal incision. By muscle, did they say uterine muscle or abdominal wall muscle? they may be able to remove it vaginally with a scope depending on where it is. You may or may not be under anesthesia for it but even if you are not completely asleep, they should sedate you well. IUDs do this sometimes. I'm not a huge fan of IUDs for many reasons and this is one-but that is a personal opinion. You will likely need to think about another form of birth control because you should not get another IUD. Call your Dr and ask her to call for the results asap and when you see her for consultation ask her all the questions you can think of. she will tell you how she plans to procede and what she will need to do to remove it. You will need to discuss other birth control options with her.
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