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Is clonazepam the same as a 1mg Xanax?

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Inactive 1 May 2013

1 mg's of Clonazepam is approximately equal to 1 mg's of Xanax (Alprazolam).

Votes: +4
shezie 24 Dec 2014

This is wrong in fact I'm seeing this alot! And it's terrible that they all say the same thing then refer to the same chart the found on a website. These people probably never experienced these drugs and just want to feel smart by googling the answer. I can tell you from experience if your used to xanax and are changing to kpins then the 1to1 mg equivalency is incorrect. If ur used to the strong but short burst that xanax provides at 1mg then u will prob need 2mg of kpins. Now if ur the other way around and used to 1mg of kpin and switching to a faster and stronger hitting medicine like xanax u will only need .5mg of xanax . I'm not saying it's a 2to1 ratio but at the lower mg these 2 drugs work in that way the xanax is stronger cause it hits u faster and with full force as where the kpins don't per say kick in u don't get that feeling really cause they slowly ease stress over a few hours not like the 30 mins and u feel relief with the xans.


So be careful if ur taking xanax stick with it unless it's too strong then u need kpins. If ur used to kpins no need to change unless there not doing the job for you then goto xanax and you'll be fine. This is the truth I guarantee so take this advice over all others!!!

chass75 11 Jan 2015


I agree.

MB0628 10 March 2015

Is Xanax and clonazepam the same med? Nurse said the dr ordered Xanax but I think she brought clonazepam. Is it the same?

getittogether27 31 March 2015

Ok I'm new to forum but I need some true advise so I use xanax for the last 3 to 4 years can't really remember but two long so I never had a prescription for them but suffer with anxiety and insomnia so I don't have withdraws during the day until about 5pm I take 4mg at once and been for years every day and I mean every single day but I can't get them no more and I do have insurance that I pay for and alway been successful so how do explain to a dr when I'm out completely in 4 day and what can I do so I don't have any of these terrible withdrawal I read and how bad it really is?

Zeeble 18 April 2015

I have a bit of experience with these particular prescriptions, However, I first would like to say that prescription drugs, although given a certain classification and labeled to treat such and such symptoms and so on, and advice (good or bad) is usually fairly simple to find. We must remember that we as people vary so tremendously that a medicine that worked miracles for one may have zero - or even an adverse effect on another. Having said that I will say that Kpin and Xanax are quite similar I've noticed that Xanax does as previously mentioned "kick in" quickly which is why it is commonly used to treat those with stress and anxiety disorders specific phobias (*Arachnophobia) or what most us refer to panic "attacks" another reason Xanax is prescribed is because the cumulative effects are short(er) lived.


Were as the longer lasting Kpin is more commonly used to treat the lasting effects of generalized types of anxiety disorders and phobias such as *Agoraphobia and since there isn't an urgent need for relief and the focus is more on providing long term relief Kpin gradually takes effect. Though overall they are both equally powerful and produce a "sedative" effect both are (generally) used to treat different "kinds" of anxiety disorders. However 1mg of one is equal to 1mg of the other and though you my have a tolerance to one you may not to the other... I know everyone hears this all the time but quitting a medication can be as dangerous as over taking it! I've know several people who decided to stop taking there prescriptions (of both Xanie and Kpin) and had gone into multiple seizures one ended in a comatose state for several days none of them had any previous history of seizures, please if you are not sure ask a physician sometimes a pharmacist or even poison control can help you decide if you should or should not take certain medications or what to expect from withdrawal symptoms from medicine that either is or is not prescribed.(always take prescribed medication as prescribed never take prescription medicine that is not prescribed to you) Always Make Informed Decisions especially when your or those you loves life's will be effected or even at stake! -Z-
*Arachnophobia:An extreme or irrational fear of spiders
*Agoraphobia: An extreme or irrational fear of crowded spaces or enclosed public spaces-
Word definitions provided by: New Oxford American Dictionary (via hand held device)

rangers1971 27 May 2015

totally agree xanax is stronger

Patricia2468 18 June 2015

What is 0.5mg of Clinazepam equal to?

taylorco105 9 July 2015

I have been on Klonopin, Valium and Xanax and by far Xanax is the strongest one. I take 3 two mg. bars a day for agoraphobia. It helps me face the outside world. I like my meds to hit fast so Xanax is the best for that. If you want one with a longer half life then go with Valium though.

IDIOCRACY 22 Nov 2016

SHEZIE... I can say the response that you gave in regards to the Klonopin versus the Xanax and the information you put forth is exactly correct. I have at my 39 years of age had to take after my mother's death benzodiazepines to control my blood pressure my depression stress my anxiety anger every emotion you can possibly imagine. And I can tell you that the Xanax outweighs the Klonopin greatly in my body. It would take me three one milligram Klonopin 2 equal one milligram of Xanax it's really quite annoying when people simply Google something and don't have any idea what these drugs do when you take them! It was very refreshing to see your comment today and read something that made total sense and paralleled every believe I have regarding that medicine vs it's cohorts so thank you very much

DrA-z012 30 Aug 2017

Although they are in the same family, they each have an entirely different chemical make up. The ratio of each all depends on the person taking the meds. Weight, metabolism, ECT.. At this point in our Pharmaceutical Manufacturing world; most can agree, Xanax contain faster, harder hitting chemical compounds. Without discussing atoms and molecules of those chemical makeups... Xanax is king in this benzodiazepine era.

bamamichelle78 30 April 2013

Xanax (alprazolam), Klonopin (clonazepam), Valium (diazepam), and Ativan (lorazepam) are all benzodiazepines. They are all in the same class and work similarly. They are all tranquilizers that act against anxiety and produce sedation.

The basic difference between these two drugs is:
Xanax tablets come in 0.25mg, 0.5mg, 1mg, and 2 mg strengths and are indicated for the relief of anxiety.
Klonpoin tablets come in 0.5 mg, 1 mg, and 2mg strengths and are indicated for the relief of panic disorder or seizures.
Milligrams are relative and are therefore unique to each drug.

The effect either of these drugs would have on you would depend on the quantity you take. Also, patients usually report that the relief provided by a single prescribed dose of Xanax can last up to four hours, and the relief provided by a single prescribed dose of Klonopin can last up to eight hours.

Hope this has helped.

Votes: +10
Dicker410 9 Feb 2016

Xanax was a fluke and was used more in seizures than Kpin. People getting advice off a forum proves we over think to much causing anxiety

47 years of battling anxiety and no drug has helped me more than out reaching adolescents to help them in their need.
Each medication works different on all of us . Hopefully you understand this even though there are many similarities.

Tarheel13 6 Sep 2016

Xanax stops my racing thoughts and anxiety. Klonopìn also does but I have no seizure history. So why do they both help with my racing thoughts???

Tarheel13 25 Oct 2016

I am on day 8 of Xanax Detox. My mind is racing. I hear everything. Weird. Right? Went from 2mg to 0 last Monday. Almost there I hope.

IDIOCRACY 22 Nov 2016

It really for me was a question of which one is stronger acting. The information or answer I was looking for was not a breakdown on benzodiazepines it was simply a question of which one is is stronger acting... 1 mg per 1 mg... free discount card

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