Hi I was wondering if anyone could help so I started citalopram at the beginning of September I was on for 25 days before my anxiety and depression went and got worser and more intense than it was before I started ,so much so I stopped them, it's been a couple of weeks off now and the initial anxiety calmed down to how it was before still bad but not like it felt that day but now I'm experiencing depression that is worse than I've ever had it .I can't seem to get happy or enjoy anything anymore which is a scary feeling I still have my senses about me like get up do the house work ect but I can't shake it . What I'm askin is, is this because I stopped the medication? Was it the medication that caused me to feel like this after stopping ? Or is it just me and mabe have to either try citlapram again or another kind . I don't do well with th side affects at all and the way it felt the last day I took it was horrendous woke up at 4am in state of anxiety that lasted for 2 days then my mood plummeted and hasn't raely risen since .I've made an appointment with my doc but it's so hard to get one here so not till the 26th of October. I don't want to go on the meds as I get bad side affects but I think it needs to be an option I'm just scared the same thing will happen again . And I can't put in to words how horrible it felt .now depression is really bad . Any input or positive feedback is welcome or if u have any idea if it was the meds that has now caused my depression. Thanks so much