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Citalopram - Did anyone have the side effects of upset stomach or vomiting?

Answers Page 2

Delila 19 March 2012

Hi, sorry i can't put your mind at rest... I didn't experience these side effects, but as Pledge said, they are common potential symptoms. If you are worried give your doctor a call or speak to your pharmacist. I wouldn't worry too much though short term. Hope you feel better soon!

Votes: +0
Inactive 18 March 2012

Hello sister1968. They are both common, normal side effects when beginning on the drug. They usually ease up and disappear once you've been taking it for awhile longer. The drug will take about four weeks before you begin to feel its full theraputic capability/potential. Regards, pledge

Votes: +1
sister1968 18 March 2012

yes, but they say that about alot of drugs, I have heard from alot of people that they didnt have any side effects, I want to know if people have actually experienced it or not.
first time on medication my whole life, dont want to be sick on a pill the first time I try it, I wont be sick for weeks to just to it get better.

Inactive 29 April 2012

My advice to you is every one is different, & have different side effects. If you know several people that take it & don't have that particular side effect, the only way you will know if you will is to try it. They have to report ALL side effects no matter how many or how few. It doesn't automatically mean you will have them. Hope this helps in your decision... Mary

Inactive 29 April 2012

I agree Mary. Side effects are what they. Good example Zoloft. Its the norm to either loose weight or gain no weight. One member of the site uses it and has or did or still does gain weight. For this person, its a drug where weight gain is an issue. However, the norm per say is that weight gain isn't so. It varies. Some people never experience any side effects that are listed as common when taking a drug. Other folks do. free discount card

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