I’ve been on 10mg citalopram for nearly 3 months. I wanted to get really used to 10mg to see what happened as I had a terrible experience with the first antidepressant I tried.
I would say 10mg has made some difference, however, I still suffer with awful night time anxiety and fear of a panic attack. I’ve tried therapy for ages and it just doesn’t seem to work. I need something that numbs the panic, so I can then use the therapy which is why I opted to try citalopram. As mentioned, I do feel it’s helped somewhat, there’s things I’ve done without anxiety I haven’t been able to do for a good 6 months prior to starting them. However, I think I could maybe benefit for an increase to 20mg, as my doctor said realistically 10 won’t do a lot.
I did struggle for the first few weeks and I’d say it took 7-8 weeks to reach a point I didn’t dread taking the tablet and things settled more. I’m really really afraid of feeling as bad or worse or taking as long to settle if I go up to 20mg. Upping the dose in my first try of an antidepressant went terribly terribly wrong, although I did it after 2 weeks and I’ve heard that particular antidepressant can be horrendous to start.
Is it likely that if I have seen some progress with 10mg, it’s well suited to me and an increase would work further? I desperately don’t want to rock the boat but my therapist isn’t great on the medication side of things and my doctor is near enough useless and has left me to my own devices.
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3 Answers
16 Dec 2021
Hi, acd! It's probably likely that you may have some side effects if you increase your dosage but they're usually milder and more short lived. Your making some progress is an indication that the medication is working... but some is not realistically something you necessarily want to live with. Everyone responds differently to this type of medication and 10mg may just not be enough for you. Some people can even require 40mg. Something you might consider is going up to 15mg for awhile to see how you do instead of suddenly doubling your dose. Another thought... get a second opinion from another doctor... prederably a psychiatrist. Best regards and I hope you do well.,
Votes: +0
16 Dec 2021
Hi I was just like you. Bad experience before with sertraline, night anxiety . And really scared to up my dose from 10mg citalopram incase I went back to the way I was. I really thought I needed to increase but stuck with the 10 through fear. I now feel like my old self again but it took 6 months to get there. U will know ur self how u feel but I would try waiting as it worked for me
Votes: +0
16 Dec 2021
I have found that I am VERY sensitive to psychotropic meds. My doc has yet to figure that out and so tries to dose me following guidelines for the average Joe. So the low doses “they” say won’t do anything actually work for me. Anyway, if you’re still having the panicky feelings at night but the 10 mg has helped so far, maybe split a pill and try 15 mg before going straight to 20 mg