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Does Cipro interact with Zanaflex?


masso 13 May 2016

Hi 7527,

Yes it does: major interaction.

Interactions between your selected drugs
ciprofloxacin tizanidine
Applies to: Cipro (ciprofloxacin), Zanaflex (tizanidine)
Using ciprofloxacin and tiZANidine is not recommended. Taking these drugs together can cause symptoms of drowsiness, dizziness, slurred speech, confusion, weakness, or low blood pressure. Do not drive or operate machinery until you know how your body will respond to these drugs. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.
Switch to professional interaction data

Other drugs that your selected drugs interact with
Cipro (ciprofloxacin) interacts with more than 400 other drugs.
Zanaflex (tizanidine) interacts with more than 500 other drugs.
Interactions between your selected drugs and food
ciprofloxacin food
Applies to: Cipro (ciprofloxacin)
Do not take ciprofloxacin with dairy products such as milk or yogurt, or with calcium-fortified foods (e.G., cereal, juice). You may eat or drink dairy products or calcium-fortified foods with a regular meal, but do not use them alone when taking ciprofloxacin. They could make the medication less effective. When ciprofloxacin tablets are given with enteral (tube) feedings, ciprofloxacin may not work as well. You could interrupt the feeding for 1 hour before and 2 hours after the ciprofloxacin dose, or your doctor may decide to switch to a different treatment. Ciprofloxacin oral suspension should not be given via nasogastric tubes or feeding tubes. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.
Switch to professional interaction data

Therapeutic duplication warnings
No therapeutic duplications were found for your selected drugs.,2205-1453

Best of luck, ...

Votes: +1
7527 13 May 2016

Thank you. I am so sick.

masso 13 May 2016

I am sorry you are ill, have you seen a Dr. recently and what do you feel? BTW you are welcome... anytime.

7527 13 May 2016

Yes. Taken Zanaflex for years. I am 71 almost 72 at dentist who prescribed Cipro cause I am allergic to penicillin. Take 6mg Zanaflex four times a day for ten years. Never took Cipro. Called primary care dr after calling dentist. Then called pharmacy. I also take synthroid, which online says interacts. Bp meds losartin. Norvasc. Omeprisol (so) can't think we'll. Flu like symptoms. Major headache. Severe dizziness last night. Could not walk thru door frame into room without hitting frame in both sides. Freezing cold. Thermostat says 78 degrees. Reddish face and arms. Severe nausea. Took Zofran. Have Gastroparesis. Take Lorezapam for that. Obviously can't sleep tingling. Shivering.

7527 13 May 2016

Bp went down to 67/40. Heart rate in 40's

7527 13 May 2016

Dropped Bp to 67/40. Am I in danger

7527 13 May 2016

I am a widow. Live alone in new neighborhood. Do not dare to drive

7527 13 May 2016

Take D3

7527 14 May 2016

Take synthroid for thyroid. Take fish oil for heart. Take several supplements which interact with Cipro.
Do you have any idea why my government Employees Health Insurance did not catch the danger of combining Cipro with Zanaflex and synthroid, etc?

7527 14 May 2016

Take synthroid for thyroid. Take fish oil for heart. Take several supplements which interact with Cipro.
Do you have any idea why my government Employees Health Insurance did not catch the danger of combining Cipro with Zanaflex and synthroid, etc?

7527 15 May 2016

Thank you very much. The combination of Cipro and Zanaflex made my blood pressure dip to a dangerous 67/40. So dizzy I could not walk thru a doorway. I was so scared I couldn't even walk thru a doorway. I actually thought I was going to die and so confused I couldn't even begin to help myself. Am still bedfast. Grateful to be alive. free discount card

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cipro, zanaflex

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