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Can you take Celebrex if you are allergic to sulfa drugs?

3 Answers

hvmarsh 8 July 2019

I have anaphylactic sulfa allergy from Bactrim and Silvadene, but have been taking Celebrex for 2-3 years. Today was the first time anyone brought up me taking it with a sulfa allergy. After doing some research, most sulfa allergies are from antibiotic forms of sulfa and I’ve found several articles listing Celebrex and likely not causing allergic reactions. I have certainly had none or would not still be taking it.

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suzanne66 9 Aug 2018

People who have a sulfa allergy can react to some medications that contain sulfa.
Celebrex is a suphonamide so probably should be avoided if you are allergic to sulfa drugs.

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lady2882 8 March 2018

I am allergic to sulfa drugs and cannot take Celebrex because of that.

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celebrex, allergic reactions, osteoarthritis, pain, drug

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