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Can you drink alcohol while taking Effexor?


Rajive Goel 2 Aug 2010

According to the manufacturer or Effexor (venlafaxine hydrochloride), drinking alcohol while using the medication is not recommended. This is because drugs like Effexor and alcohol act upon similar chemicals in the brain. The concern is that Effexor will increase the effects of alcohol -- whether this is increasing depression symptoms or affecting motor skills.

Practically, when many doctors are asked whether it is okay to drink alcohol while on Effexor, they recommend drinking light-to-moderate amounts. They also recommend that you wait to drink alcohol until you understand how Effexor and other medicines you may be currently taking affect your body.

Moderate drinking could be: * 12 ounces of beer; * 5 ounces of wine;
* 1½ ounces of 80-proof whiskey or 1 ounce of 100-proof spirits.

If you decide to drink alcohol in moderation while on Effexor, it is recommended that you not drink alcohol at the same time that you take your Effexor. Also, you should learn the effects that Effexor has on your body before you begin drinking. Effexor may affect some individuals' ability to perform certain functions, such as driving a car or operating machinery.

Be well & safe, hope the info helps?

Votes: +1
christineATU 2 Aug 2010

Excellent answer Rajive.

Rajive Goel 3 Aug 2010

Thanks, Chris. free discount card

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effexor, alcohol

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