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Can u take Valium with St Johns Wort?


LaurieShay 2 Oct 2011

Hey linje,

The following link explain the interaction between these two substances:,862-441

As long as you are aware of the interaction and you take as prescribed, you should be ok.


Votes: +1
linje 3 Oct 2011

Ty for your comment would only take a valium when really necessary not on a regular basis, reading link still not sure exactly how it reacts except obviously be cautious if operating machines etc I dont drive!

LaurieShay 3 Oct 2011

Since you are only taking the valium occassioanlly than not to worry. The interaction would be for higher doses of the two which could cause slowed heart rate and breathing. Otherwise since you don't drive, not much else to be concerned with.

linje 3 Oct 2011

Thankyou :) free discount card

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