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Can I use cialis with suboxone?


jk13 7 March 2011

I don't see why not, as they are two completely different drugs hitting on different pathways. Cialis relaxes the smooth mussels, and the Suboxone his on the Opioid sensors. Cialis with an Alpha or Beta Blocker can spell out bad news if you're not careful, and other Opioids with Suboxone can also mean bad things (as I'm sure you know), but Cialis and Suboxone taken together is fine. Regardless, with that all said, I'm not a doctor, and it would always be in your best interest that all doctors are on the same page regarding your meds in case there's something that isn't mentioned or that I'm simply not aware of. Anyways, I personally (when I had money and insurance) took Cialis and Methadone together. I also take Minipress, an Alpha Blocker, and that was the one that we had to keep a carful eye on. Hope that this is of some help to you!
Jeff K

Votes: +0
passonmale 8 March 2011

Thanks ,I will take your answer and subject matter into consideration.
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