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Can I take Bactrim for a sever cold and coughing? Possible Flu?


itsmetoo2 20 Dec 2009

I agree with the above posting. If you have a cold or flu the Bactrim will not work. If you are trying not to go to the doctor, go to a health food store and they have a tea for colds and flu. Really with everything that is going around I would try the tea and honey. Then let it run it's course.
If you are real bad then go to an ER as I would not like to see you with fluid build up on your lungs or around your heart,

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barbles2413 19 Dec 2009

Bactrim is used to treat urinary track infections sinus infections bronchitis Upper respitory. I would not however take it unless it was prescribed for you by your doctor. If you have the flu and or flu symptoms you may not be prescribed an anti-biotic as this medicaion is used for bacterial infection. The flu is a virus and treated differently with anti-virals or nothing unless a secondary infection occurs. Also you may not have the right strength or amount of pills to complete a course of treament needed for your particular infection. I hope this helps Feel better and god blss

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bactrim, influenza, upper respiratory tract infection

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