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Can I cut a levitra 20 mg. in half to take only 10 mg?


theunclebear 21 April 2010

Absolutely YES. This was actually the recommendation from my Doctor. Levitra, Cialis, and Viagra are all "Flat Priced" by the Drug Manufacturers. They charge the same price for a 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg, 20mg. You will find some RETAIL price variation, but not a lot (normally). It's like their charging for what it does, not for what's in it. The pills do have a coating to avoid unpleasant taste, but they are not time release. They CAN be split.

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suzanne66 20 Sep 2009

Yes you can cut Levitra in half. Levitra tablets are availabe in 2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg tablets.

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