Hi All

Been on Buspar for 27d, (20mg, 10mg 2x /day).

Have only been on the 20mg for 5d. Before that was titrating up, on 15mg (11d), and prior to that was 10mg, 5mg. My psych wants me to get to 30mg (15mg 2/day).

My question is how bloody long does this drug take to feel the effects? In the ~4 weeks I’ve been on it I’ve only had two instances where the fear and anxiety left me completely (2 diff days and a few hours within each day).

I’ve read that it takes 4-6 weeks to get full effect. Is this true?

I also have been taking it consistently without food. Then just recently my psych said it’s more effective with food. So as of yesterday I’m taking it with food now. Will changing the method of taking it put me back to square one?

Please share your Buspar experience and timeline/dosage with me. Did it work for you, how long did it take?