I was switched from Celexa to Bupropion SR 150 twice daily on December 2nd. On Celexa I couldn't control my weight gain but it worked really well for my depression. I've been at a full dose for one week now and I'm having trouble managing food intake and feeling well. The first week on a half dose I had tons of energy and felt really good. Now I don't have much interest in eating my stomach is growling and I get a headache, nauseous, and sometimes feel faint, and sometimes I can't focus my vision very well on things like a computer screen. I feel like I'm in a constant battle now with food. Could the med be causing my blood sugar to drop to low and thats why I don't feel well? I'm thinking of asking the doctor if I can try a half dose of this with a half dose of my old med, maybe I can have the best of both worlds?