I started taking sertraline on March 19th, 2023, 25 mg for 2 weeks, then increased to 50 mg. Broke out in hives on my face, chest, neck, and back. My PCP told me to take Benadryl nightly and Zyrtec during the day for the hives, which worked. The hives are gone, and I stopped taking the Benadryl 4 days ago. Went to see my doctor yesterday for a follow-up regarding the sertraline. 4 days ago, I also started having brain zaps beginning when I first wake up in the morning, then intermittently throughout the day at random times. The doctor said don't make any changes for another 4 weeks then come see him again. I asked if it made any difference what time of day I take the sertraline, and he said no, but this morning I took it as soon as I woke up. Started having brain zaps or shivers for about half an hour, then they stopped. Would it make a difference if I took it before I went to bed? Because it seems like taking it at 6:00 a.m. this morning instead of 8:00 a.m. helped me.