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How does body weight affect viagra dosage - I am over 6 ft tall & weigh 270?

4 Answers

Bob1974 2 April 2019

I find that Viagra is most effective when eaten on an empty stomach. If eaten after a big meal results can be disappointing. :(

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kahits 7 Feb 2018

I just received a prescription 6 days ago and have been trying to assess proper dosage. I'm 6'7" & over 300 pounds. The first 2 nights I took 60mg (20x3) and it sure worked. I made the mistake of eating some pork belly on Sunday (Superbowl) and that was not so great. I realized I needed to do more research and after a few more not as good reactions (I actually didn't eat last night to make sure it wasn't the food..), and realized the dosage was no longer working. I took 2 more (40mg) and about a half hour later, it worked. I'm going to try 80mgs, to see if it is effective, rather then just going with 100mg.

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WildcatVet 7 Feb 2018

Hi, kahits! The only food interactions to consider with Viagra are alcohol and grapefruit juice so it's likely you need the higher dosage. Good plan to try it in increments, but remember that 100mg is the maximum dose that should be taken.

chuck1957 25 Nov 2017

Ruddog; JUST AS WildCat has said The most common dose of 100mg really is not exceeded and is effective enough. Just talk to the doctor when you go in to get the prescription. Best of luck AGAIN ask the doctor about.any questions But you should be just fine. More questions talk with the doctor about it but really you should not have any worries. Have a great day. Chuck.

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WildcatVet 24 Nov 2017

As a rule, it doesn't.

"Who can take 50 mg tablets?
50mg is the most common dosage for Viagra. Your doctor may recommend it if you are taking Viagra for the first time. Most men find that this dosage is sufficient to treat their erectile dysfunction and improve their sexual experience.

Who should use 100mg tablets?
100mg is the highest recommended dosage of Viagra. You mustn’t take more than 100mg per day. Viagra 100mg tablets are suitable for men who find that they don’t get an erection hard enough for penetration when taking the 50mg tablet. You should try the 50mg dose first and only increase your intake to 100mg if you find the effect insufficient. YOU SHOULD SPEAK TO YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE CHANGING YOUR DOSAGE."


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viagra, erectile dysfunction, weight, dosage

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