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When is the best time to take lisinopril?


Pomgirl 28 July 2022

I find it best to take mine first thing in the morning with water. The peak time for this drug is 7 hours as I have read. My bp drops at night while I sleep, which it is supposed to do. So I prefer to have the strongest effect during the afternoon and evening. Some people have high blood pressure in the morning, so night might be best for them.

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masso 28 July 2022

"Many people take their medications as part of their morning ritual, along with a cup of coffee and the daily newspaper. But for blood pressure drugs, evening may be a better option. Last year, a large study found that taking blood pressure drugs before bed may lower the risk of serious heart-related complications more than taking the drugs in the morning."

Source: Harvard Health Publishing
Harvard Medical School

Remember to always take your medication at the same time so you have an effective amount of the medication in your system at all times.

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