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When is the best time to take the latuda?My dr gave it to me today but didn't say when to take it?

14 Answers

SutthernSereniti 12 April 2019

I take it when I eat a meal of 350 calories. Could be lunch or dinner. Ive been on it for 3 months. I currently take 30mg. I got to 60mg and started feeling odd so she had me cut it in half to 30mg. 1 week back on 30mg and I seem to be doing good.

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Dolly broussard 3 Dec 2018

In the evening

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Buggs333 31 Aug 2018

I take mine in the mornings because it keeps me calm during the day. If I take it at night my days are a lot stressful. Also like someone said, their biggest meal is in the mornings. It only last 18 hours so it seems to me you would run out of it sometime during the day if you took it before you went to sleep. I don't know, it just works better for me in the mornings. Best of luck to all.

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WildcatVet 30 Aug 2018

Hi, nicley!
"Very common (10% or more): Insomnia (up to 11%)"
"Side effects have been reported to be generally mild and transient. They are most common during the first 2 weeks of treatment and decrease in intensity and frequency with continued treatment. They generally do not lead to treatment cessation."
Your metabolism should start adjusting to the medication within just a few days to a week or so.
You COULD take it in the morning but the problem is it must be taken with a minimum of a 350 calorie meal for proper absorption so you'd have to be sure and eat a big breakfast every day.
"Very common (10% or more): Somnolence (up to 26%)"
Since so many more people report sleepiness as a side effect you might find it affects you the same way after the first couple of days.
Why not try it for a couple more nights and see how things go.

Votes: +2
nicley4 30 Aug 2018

I started taking it yesterday evening and I didn't sleep. Is this normal? Can I take in the am

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Buggs333 31 Aug 2018

Yes you can. I take mine in the morning. Works great for me.

Dakjus 26 Dec 2017

Oh god ive only been taking these meds for three days and ive slept those entire three days i feel horrible but I will stick with it. My pill bottle suggests that I take them in the morning. I hope that after two weeks this works because I wake up depressed with a pounding headache.

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sscarusofan75 25 Feb 2018

I have taken mine in the morning about 2 months now. I have never been so tired in my life. I was sleeping 4 hours in the morning about mid morning. Other days after its in my system awhile I have to close my eyes for at least 20 minutes. I'm going to try dinner time since that is higher calories for me.

Jo Ann Lundblad 7 May 2017

I just started Latuda for the second time after more than five years. In a hospital stay, I was started on 40 mgs and about an hour later began feeling anxiety and it continued to in crease until I was crying uncontrollably and felt like a was going to explode. Now at home I stopped it for two days and I experienced a meltdown for about and hour and then it just was gone. My Doctor told me to cut it in half to 20mgs until I see him tomorrow. I have a concern taking it at night because it isn't healthy to eat so late in the evening. Your first big meal of the day should be breakfast. So why not take it then? Maybe that's where the weight gain issues are coming from. Just saying! Any ideas? I'm also experiencing tighten muscles in my arms and aching in my legs. Any advice?

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appius246 15 April 2018

I realise this post was made over 5 years ago but you might want to get checked for akathisia.

Buggs333 31 Aug 2018

I have problems with my muscles being stiff, which is painful for me. My doctor gave me a low dose of gabapentin. Helped me out a lot.

Ashsmashem 5 May 2017

Take Latuda before bed with food (350 calories). There is no other medication like Latuda for bipolar depression that has worked for me in the past. I experience no adverse side effects (other than maybe weight gain; let's face it, who knows with the plethora of meds we take which ones honestly make you gain weight. They all do). It's worth the money if it helps you the way it has helped me. And hey, it 2019 there may be a generic! The patent is like 10 years. Ridiculous! I digress. Take it before bed.

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Healingwarrior 5 April 2017

I just started on Latuda 20mg to be increased in 3 weeks to 40mg. I take it 2 hours before bed with a meal (that's an adjustment for a recovering anorexic lol). One meal that works is a frozen breaded chicken breast with veggies. From frozen it takes 4.15 minutes in microwave. Or it can be baked the oven etc. And a glass of milk. That's 400 calories.
I take my Seroquel approx an hour after the Latuda.
I also take Lamotrigine during the day.
Latuda relaxes my whole body and brings on drowsiness even before the Seroquel. I can't imagine taking it in the morning or afternoon or when I need to be awake.
I had a couple of stomach twinges in the morning at first, no nausea.
I was told to eat well and take the Latuda after or during eating. Not before eating.


The effect is great so far. I'm perkier in the morning not groggy and stumbling like when I was just on Seroquel. My mind is clear, the bad voices seem to be muted or gone and I can focus. And I am calm and feel like myself at last. All of which is an amazing relief. Before the Latuda I had descended into a massive depression with screaming abusive head and crying and irrational anger and nightmares, even on seroquel.
If it stays at this level of perkiness with the Latuda now in the mix, I'll be thrilled. I just hope it doesn't push me up to mania as it levels up in my bloodstream.

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Melvin Cordell 18 Sep 2016

Before you go to bed

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Tiffany92 24 Nov 2013

I started thing latuda yesterday, it made me very weak at times and very movable at times! Had felt like i were high(which i hate this feeling) felt like i needed to close my eyes no necessary go to sleep but just needed to lay down and close my eyes... after 30miss of holding my head down on table and eyes closed i was fine around 230 and took it at 955 that am. I will start taking at night time. But is there symptoms bad? If i feel high in the morning i will be calling my doctor. I hate that feeling lol!

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gem511 14 June 2017

Tiffany, I just was upped to the 60mg dose and was instructed to take it at nighttime before bed with a little food. I take it as instructed and In the am I am still very loopy and hungover from this med. even if I take it hours before bedtime, I still find myself loopy but not as bad but the drugs kick in sooner and make me need to lay down and close my eyes, like you said not really tired but I just need to rest for a few minutes. its really an awful feeling because it takes forever to go away it feels like.

acorales 19 Oct 2013

I was taking my med at night but it seemed to affect my sleep so I switched to morning. My sleep is still being affected so I'm going to try to go back to nights with a meal. I have been taking latuda for 14 days and feel no good or bad side effects. I wonder if it's going to work for me.

Votes: +1
K-Lab 19 Sep 2013

As everyone else is saying I take it before I go to bed, well a little before, with the 350 calories of food. It should make you a little drowsy in about an hour or so. So the best time to take it would be when you're readying yourself for sleep.
I don't know if this has been talked about much, but when I first started taking Latuda, over a year ago, I went through about a 2 week depression. I thought the drug wasn't working, or worse, making my symptoms even worse. I just stuck with it, and after those two weeks I actually started to feel what apparently is how people are supposed to feel. It's truly a great medication and if you can get past those 2 weeks, if it even happens to you, then I hope you have the same results that I've had from taking it.
Keep us all posted as it's a nice thing to hear and read happy stories from people afflicted with the same things as us.

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DJ0624 9 March 2017

I started taking Latuda about 3 weeks ago and currently taking a 60 mg dose. I find it works best for me to take it with food about an hour before bedtime primarily because it makes me extremely sleepy.

Does anyone know how long after eating one can take the med and still get the needed absorption from the food?
As a side note, my mood has been more stable the past couple of weeks. Thanks!

hoopermav 17 March 2017

I just started taking it and I am having the same thing happen to me, seems like I am getting more depressed. Had it done this to allot of people?

kmurphy86 19 June 2017

Hi -

Wanted to check and see how you are still doing on latuda? What were those first few weeks like? Slowed cognition? Apathy? I am experiencing a lot of that, but that's just what it feels like when I get more depressed anyway.

Don't want to quit it if it does take a few weeks to kick in.

Colette Ann 28 Aug 2017

Just starting one week,I'm taking 20 ml at dinner at 6pm
Very tired by nine, will this go away soon

Jerrry Alt 3 Oct 2017

Never made me more deprssed but gave me insomnia. Did this happen to anyone else. I tale it a half hour after dinner about 6:30 pm?

Mandab79 18 June 2018

I was getting soooo depressed about 5 days in on the Latuda. I started taking sam-e with my doctors permission, and I've been great ever since. Also, I'm too tired and zombie like if I take it during the day. I started taking it at night, and so far I just feel normal...

sruasonid 29 Aug 2013

I always take mine at night because it MUST be taken with food, minimum 350 calories, in order for it to be properly absorbed. If you take it on an empty stomach or just a cracker or something you wouldn't be getting the full dosage. (This is how my doctor explained it to me; I'm not presuming to give any kind of medical advice.)

So I take it with dinner (I eat late, around 8:00 pm or after) along with my other nighttime medications, which also helps me not to forget to take them because I got too tired or something. I've found that consistency helps a lot; if you are in the habit of always doing something the same way or at the same time then you'll always know you did it - at least in theory!


Also I've heard Latuda can make some people a bit drowsy for a few days when they first start taking it. This didn't happen to me, but if it had then my solution would have been to add it to my nighttime medications so that getting drowsy wouldn't be a problem if I was going to bed anyway. Hope this information helps and you have great results from Latuda like I have.

Votes: +1
destinyfaith 29 Aug 2013

Thank you for your time and answering my question.I really appreciate it.I hope I have good results from it like most people have.

Darlingnoire 11 Sep 2013

I also take it with my evening meal. It didn't make me sleepy on the smaller doses but it tends to make me really drowsy with my increased dose. (120mg) free discount card

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