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When is the best time to take Cymbalta? I know its best to take with a meal but which meal is best?

14 Answers

Robinrrr 1 June 2022

I was told it is best to take in the morning.

Votes: +0
Berty8726 24 Aug 2019

A message for Sherry and anyone taking more than 60mg of Duloxetine. Doses over 60mg must be split! You can take up to 120mg, but you must take 60mg in the morning and another 60 in the evening. Sherry should be taking 60mg in the morning and 30 in the evening to make a total of 90mg. I know this message is late, but I just want anyone reading this thread to know the correct procedure, thanks!

Votes: +1
Jojobord53 23 Jan 2019

Hi, I was on Cymbalta about 10 years ago, my Dr. said it helps with Chronic back pain.. I stopped using it after 3-4 months because it did nothing for my pain. I am sure it works or helps others just not me. It made me sick to my stomach, so I took it as I was going to bed. I wasn't sick in the morning. Best of luck to you!

Votes: +0
ROBINPRICE 27 Feb 2022

Did you experience hair loss, like me, and thousands of other women and men??

Restlesspath 4 Aug 2018

I have found that taking it a night made me really hyper. I see others that had the same experience. I take mine in the morning. I think the reason is that it changes your mood for happy and says it gives you more energy. It strange how meds works different for different people

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Sn_melan 28 May 2018

I'm new to Cymbalta.. just got off Zoloft and I feel so much lighter on Cymbalta. Also on 200mg Lamictal for bipolar II. I loved taking Cymbalta (60 mg) in the morning but would sometimes crash in the afternoon and would crash Out hard at 9:00 pm. That doesn't work for me so I am tweaking. Bedtime keeps me up so I tried 7 pm and 6 pm. It was OK but I seem to be down and sad in the morning now. Ugh! After doing some Googling I thought maybe split into two 30mg doses? Does anyone have multiple ups and downs on Cymbalta? I know not too many have bipolar. Thanks

Votes: +0
barbinva46 9 July 2018

I take Cymbalta for pain. 40 mg caused side effects so am trying 20 mg twice a day. So far, so good!

Old lady in a shoe 1 Aug 2018

Hi I’m in process of trying to get off ultram- been on it over 5 yrs for chronic pain back and neck pain. Dr. Put me on 20 mg. Then uped it cause it wasn’t strong enough to 40 mg. a day so one am and one pm And it’s still not enough to cover my pain- I have a hard time going to sleep and am tired in the mornings. So I’d say I need some tweaking also. Hope you get straightened out soon. Good luck.

Jackson84 13 Jan 2019

Cymbalta makes me crash in the early evening too! What did you find for a solution??

peterbateman 7 April 2018

My doctor told me to take it with breakfast. I have been doing this for several years now.

Votes: +0
peterbateman 31 March 2018

I was told by my doctor to take it in the morning and have been doing so for years now. I haven’t had any problems with it.

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merle222 30 March 2018

It depends what you’re taking it for. If you’re just taking it for pain then it doesn’t matter what time of day you’re taking it. If you’re taking it for depression, first thing in the morning is best. It doesn’t matter whether you take it with or without food depending on your tolerance for medication on an empty stomach is the only issue. I’ve been taking Cymbalta for over 10 years and I’m at the point now where I can take it in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach and it doesn’t bother me. And it still works!

Votes: +1
sherry3060 16 Jan 2018

I have been on cymbals 60mg for 10yrs. I have always taken it in the morning on a empty stomach however, 3 days ago my Dr upped my dose to 90 mg. I have been sleepy all through the day taking the 90mg. Wondering if taking it at night might solve the sleepiness or taking 60mg in the morning and 30mg in the evening? Opinions please!

Votes: +0
Fragilexmom 30 May 2014

Cymbalta was making me drowsy during the day. My Dr. recommend to take it at bedtime. I feel great now.

Votes: +4
SpineLady 29 May 2014

Well I took Cymbalta for many years and I took it at night before bed for several years, but I found it wasn't helping during the day, so I started taking it after breakfast and found it seemed to work much better. Medication is unique in the fact that it works so differently on each person. I would suggest trying it both morning and night for several months each and see which time works best for YOU!

Votes: +1
Poodle448 29 May 2014

Most anti-depressants take about a week or two to start working.

Votes: +1
pippapoo 29 May 2014

My doctor told me to take it in the morning, probably because the norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor can keep you awake. I didn't take mine with food and I didn't have stomach problems. But everyone is different.

Votes: +4
Trinabell 29 May 2014

Yeah I found out the hard way that it'll keep you up all night. My Dr just said make sure & take it with a meal however I dont eat breakfast. Ever since I was in elementary school i get nauseas if i try & eat before noon & idk why? I'll try taking it on an empty stomach. Thank you so much for your answer :-)

Calialle 24 Sep 2017

I am so glad I finally found this! Because of chronic pain, I was used to staying up many nights. I tried to take my meds at 7 pm, but it seemed to me like the nights I goofed and didn't take it until 11 or so, I stayed up all nights. Even when I was tired. So I will take it in the morning from now on!

Calialle 24 Sep 2017

I didn't even know you were suooosed to take it with meals! Didn't seem to bother me, though.

chuck1957 28 May 2014

Really Trinabell You can take this anytime of day without regard to food unless the doctor told you different they take as much as 60mg in one dose or divide the dose no real problem with our without food.Now if you have taken it and it upset your stomach then the doctor may tell you to take it with food but it really does not make that much difference the main thing never open capsule and pour it on something it is a released over the day and you don't want to mess with the slow releace of the medicine the best is when you start it and if you notice something like it makes you tired then take it at bedtime if it keeps you from sleeping then take it in the am... Or how ever the doctor tells you to if different some people end up taking it twice daily etc..But anyway there is no drug reason you should take it at any special time of day.Just whatever works best for you and depending on any sideeffects you might get..Good luck and hope it helps you have a great day Chuck1957 medically retired pharm.Tech

Votes: +8
martha3 10 May 2017

Thank you Chuck. Since my husband died last November, I have tried wellbyteun, zoloft,and paxil, but they didmt help much. Cynbalta does help. Wonder what the difference is?

mbehric3061 1 Aug 2017

Thank you Chuck free discount card

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